Chapter 2 : Uzumaki siblings suspicious

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Konoha Hospital

“Really, you are better. Take care of your health, Yuki!” Said Mito Uzumaki for the third time.

“Yes, Aunty, I am going to be more careful.” Said Yuki, which made the Uzumaki matriarch soften at the use of this qualificator.

“We should let your sister rest a bit, Naruto.” Said the matriarch, but the blond boy didn’t want to leave his sister.

“But I want to stay with Nee-chan…” He tried to resist, but it was useless against the super-strong woman. Yuki smiled and waved at her poor brother.

“You can come out now, Madara-san.” She stated.

“You are a great sensor. Most wouldn’t have been able to tell you that I am here.” Said the patriarch dropping from the ceiling.

“You must have realized that I am not most kunohichi.”

“Which only makes me more curious and wary to what you can do, young Uzumaki.” Madara said, studying the girl.

“I have said this before, but I am no mystery simply a Uzumaki member.”

“That we shall see, but I swear that I am going to unveil your secret.”

“Good luck on that.”

“It is enough, Madara. Let the girl rest and go get yourself treated.” Said suddenly Hashirama pushing his friend away and sitting beside Yuki.

“This is far from being over.” Spat one last time, Madara.

Yuki thought that she could finally rest, but the Senju was most likely trying to burn holes in her.


“You are indeed very interesting, Madara is right. I am starting to be very interested in you and your brother. It wasn’t a normal glare that your brother shot at Madara. My clansmen never even during our feudal war with the Uchihas had such a hostile glare.”

The Senju knew how to be serious in certain situations. The girl smiled.

“Some secrets are better off buried…” she said, smirking at the end.

She felt the Senju thoughtful. Yuki had given him things to think about.


Three Days Later, the Newly Built Park

Everything was such a drag. Shikayu Nara wonders why the hell his father deemed it necessary to join Konoha. He was so comfortable in the hidden valley surrounded by trees and deer. His fellow clansmen were also wondering the same, but no one dared to question his father’s word. Especially since he was ill, his great wisdom and intelligence were revered among the Nara clan.

Shikayu sighed again, watching the clouds. He would soon have to take on the charge of clan head. It was going to be so troublesome. He would have to attend official at the meetings of the council. A place in which big clans bickered on subjects and in which Hashirama Senju was the referee. No later than this morning, he was forced by his annoying female cousin to attend.

“I would like to tighten the control to become part of Konoha, to be sure that none is a threat to us. We should investigate them thoroughly!” Said the usually passive Uchiha clan head.

“This is better not be about the arrival of the children of my cousin!” threatened Mito Uzumaki already pissed.

If anyone understood anything about the Uzumaki clan, it was to never piss off its matriarch. Or any member of this clan, they had mysterious ways especially since they had their own ninja village in the making and were linked to the Senju. What was next? They would be soon linked to the Uchiha and the Hyuga? If his clan is still well and alive, he pitied his descendants on the day that it would happen. He couldn’t start to imagine the massive headache the Uzumakis would become.

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