Chapter 5 : Nemesis of the Uzumaki-Uchiha and Glimpse of Tomorrow

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Training Grounds of the Uzumaki Clan

"Neechan...why is it always the same story?" Inquired Naruto looking at her, he had already let some of kurama's chakra leak a bit. His teeth were becoming longer and more animalistic.

"I don't know but Shimuras are Shimuras." She yawned her katana out and ready to deal with them. If she was to destroy the clan now, it would change too many things in the was such a pity.... She wanted to deal with them nooow...nope crazy Uchiha and Uzumaki side shut up...

"Surrender, you are all alone, no one will come for you. We will accomplish our objectives this time filthy Uzumakis, then we will deal with your clansmen..." Threatened them the one which Shikayu had complained about Chiko Shimura. That thing. The father of Danzo...oh no, she might just kill him by accident...and Danzo too...No, bloodthirsty side of her ancestors no. She said no!

"Didn't we kill enough of your men? Don't you fear the retaliation of the whole village?" Off handedly said Yuki readying herself. She threw kunais all over the place under the laughter of the Shimuras.

"Not at all, especially with your poor aim."

Now she was pissed off. That had to end now. Or else she might just prevent the Uchiha massacre by exterminating the whole clan.

"Oooh is that so, Naru Chan, we are being underestimated! Now you should have stayed put and cower in fear of the other clans of the village."

At that Naruto started fighting off one by one. He was itching to use multi-cloning. At that point, he might as well use it if it meant dealing with this quickly.

"Use it, ototo." She said too sweetly to the taste of her little brother.

"Yosh! Dattebayo!"

At a thirty of so Naruto appeared. He was having fun. That was sooo cute!

"Let's go, guys!"

The hundreds of Shimuras couldn't believe it.

"No, come die on my katana!" She added on the same sweet tone. On that she killed a dozen. Nah her bloodthirsty side had clearly taken over her Namikaze rational side.


"What in the sage Rikudo's sake is happening here!" Raged Mito Uzumaki, her nagita seemingly glow due to her anger.

She had just slaughtered fifty Shimuras trying to break in her compounds. Her clansmen were vibrating of delight upon dealing with these rats.

"Ooh, nothing, just doing some cleaning." Said Yuki with a big smile kicking at her feet, none other than Chiko Shimura, a broken noose. There were many corpses but most of the Shimuras were only injured. Naruto was standing over a Shimuras in a similar state like her, but the way that he was currently looking shocked her. He had this same unexpressive and icy expression that Madara had during a fight. It was frightening. The siblings were no doubts from Uchiha descendants. Even if Naruto looked less Uchiha than Uzumaki, the appearances could be quite deceptive.

"Now, now, what do we have here...Shimuras which badmouthing my neechan and I?" Trailed Naruto. He stabbed the Shimura in the middle of his hands.

"Oh, oh...would you look at that?" Said a very pleased and amused Madara Uchiha arriving with his Gumbei in his hands and Hashi. The Uchiha patriarch leaned on his weapon enjoy the show.

"Too bad for you." He gave them a cruel smile before finding back his normal persona. He looked at his hands and the kunai in the hand of the Shimura, he was shaking. He gave the most heinous look at Madara which was mirroring his previous smile of delight.

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