Chapter 4 : Discovered and Sharingan...?!

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Konohagakure, Downtown of the Village, Dawn

"You are....!" Started Madara Uchiha not anymore listening to his reasons. He just reacted based on instincts. He unsheathed his Gumbei, he couldn't believe it but right now, it was undeniable Yuki had sharingan swirling to life just now. EMS!


He just attacked her, there was no way that he was going to accept this. This was simply unbelievable. He must have hit his head harder in the midst of fighting these ninjas!

"Madara-san please calm down!" Tried Yuki, she was using her own katana much more skillfully than previously.

This stance, this was clearly a mixture of Uchiha kenjutsu! It was the signature of their clan and it had to have been taught by an Uchiha to her...Izuna...he left something behind after all. Izuna was bewitched by the enemy too.

"Neechan!" He heard coming from behind him.

This other one, his eyes were flashing between blue and red without completely settling for one colour. He had been blind all this time. This hatred in the eyes of Naruto, it was so strong that it could only be an Uchiha grudge.

The grudge directed toward him because he did not find them after the death of Izuna and bring them back to the clan. Then their mother died probably due to the fact that the minor clan heard wind that they were related to Izuna Uchiha....

"Yuki get out of the way!!!" Screamed an unknown voice, a mid-length red hair Uzumaki jumped in front of Yuki and pushed her out of the way.

She made complicated hand signs before drawing biting her lips and letting a drop of blood fall on the ground hitting it. Then he tied by black chains on the ground, his emotion was settling.

"Asuka!" Said Mito running at her side with Hashirama which had a similar stunned look on his face. "Good job!"

"No worries, now we shall have a discussion, shall we?" She said smirking reminding him of the warm sun. He felt comforted by such a face.

Then he fell unconscious on the spot under the screams of Hashirama and the grumbling of Mito and the ice princess. Yuki caught him before he crashed too badly on the ground. Why was he so blind to this look... The Red hair and blue eyes girl were over him trying to heal him with medical ninjutsu.

These eyes were yes full of wariness but also deep respect for him. This only fortified his idea. Izuna would have had the same look in his eyes.


"Naru...," said in a hurry Yuki trying to grab the hand of Naruto to shunshined or even hirashined at this point.

This looked bad. Not only she had been caught in the midst of the fight, but she used her sharingan in front of witnesses. Whatever brought them here needed to bring them back soon and she needed to Tsukoyomi all of them at once before leaving.

"Where do you think you are going?" inquired Tobirama, all traces of his previous casual self-remained. He had katana in his hands, it was already soaked with blood.

"That is a good question." Said Hashirama already making a small tree grow beside him.

This looked bad. She still had her EMS activated. She was faced with a choice. Naruto was starting to fidget one place. He was also debating whether or not to make their way out or not. Fighting seriously the Nidaime and the Shodaime alongside Mito. Whiskers were starting to appear on the face of Mito, her nagita was glowing red and orange.

"Sharingan.... You have a lot to explain if you are even who you say you are." Observed Mito hitting the ground which opened upon this impact.

"We do not want to have to fight you all." Declared Yuki looking at all of them, this is going to be too rough to make their way out without creating more witness....

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