Part 2 - a watchful eye

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Time skip to around 1:00pm (lunch)
I'd been set the task by Dr Crane to sort different files of new patients. Over the two years I'd been working here, the arrival of patients had slowly increased - meaning more files for me to sort. I sorted the last few papers into their pile and relaxed my body against the chair I sat upon. I'd been sat in a dimly lit office room all morning and longed to escape this dungeon-like building. I looked up at the clock that sat on the grey wall in front of me and it pinged for 1 o'clock.
Lunch. Finally.
Opening the door to escape what felt like a cell, felt incredibly refreshing. Switching off the light, I planned to go to the coworker room to find Poppy and complain about the drastic paperwork I'd had to do. I heard a familiar footstep as i closed the door behind me. I looked up to see Dr Crane standing at the opposite end of the corridor to me. He was already staring. A small smile crept on my face but his did not change - he simply turned the corner as he saw me begin to walk to him.

Many people who worked here and who had spoken to him, said he was a cold, emotionless, man that thought he was better than all of his workers. I chose not to believe these rumours. When I first started working at the asylum, the Dr had been kind enough to show me round and give me the basic run through of what I needed to do. I was told he hadn't done that with anyone else. Just me.
I'd come to the conclusion that he'd treated me that way simply because I'd treated him the same - with kindness. However, I hadn't spoken to him properly since - only the occasional discussion of work. I was still determined to befriend him though. Just to prove those who judged him were wrong. I was determined to be like this with most, to only believe harsh rumours if I had seen them myself. I believe most people must have good in them.
I think it's my biggest weakness.

•This happens just after Mia arrives up until lunch•

My pace quickened as I walked along the shiny, bare, floor of the asylum. My shoes softly squeaked at my speed and the lights gently flickered above me. I approached my office door and turned the rusty door handle to be greeted with a waft of damp, dusty, air. I carefully closed the door behind me and placed my leather bag against my desk.

I heard a creak of protest from my chair as I slumped into it, gazing into the dimly lit light bulb that hung above me.
I hadn't slept for days. Not that I'd ever slept properly. My mind was too complex. It kept me awake. Now working for Bane hadn't helped either - kidnapping people and putting them in the asylum turned out to be more of a struggle than I thought. Not to mention the amount of reporters and police I had to keep away. I leaned back and sighed - feeling my aching body shiver in response.

A sudden knock at my door broke me from my trance.
"Come in." I said, hoping this would be quick.

"Good morning doctor, I hope I did not disturb you. I just wanted to remind you that the police will be patrolling the asylum later due to a report of 'disturbing screams'." Said one of my workers (who I hadn't bothered to remember the name of). She had sweat patches and a nervous tremor to her. She stood in my doorway as if she didn't dare come in.

"Ah....I see. I had not remembered. Thank you." I replied, flatly. As she moved to close my door I spoke. "I almost forgot, could you take these files to Miss Foster for her to sort." She nodded anxiously in response and took the files and left.
Do people really perceive me as something to be nervous of?
I decided to continue with some work I'd done the previous day, while the thought of the police lingered in my mind.

TIME SKIP TO AROUND 12:45pm (near lunch)

I sighed and cracked my knuckles, admiring the amount of work I'd done. Tiredly, I looked at the clock that sat on my desk and watched it tick away. '12:45'. I carefully got up from my seat to leave. I gingerly walked along the never-ending corridors and approached the coworker room. I decided to make myself a black coffee.
I should hope this keeps me going.
Sleepily, I listened to the static noise of the radio that balanced upon the small cabinet, looking at the chunks of dust that had collected on it. I grabbed my mug full of coffee and glanced at the clock on the wall - 1 o'clock.
I didn't fancy speaking to anyone so I rushed to leave the room. As I left, I peered to the end of the corridor to see a door to what seemed to be an office. I trudged along, feeling the glow of the bright white lights that hung above my aching head.

Yet, as I got to the end of the corridor, I stopped. I turned to look at that same door again - it was now on the opposite end to me. I watched as it softly opened, only to reveal a woman.
I gazed at her as she closed the door behind her, not noticing her look at me.
I longed to run over and lock her in that room. To keep her away from everyone. She didn't deserve them - nobody would be good enough for her. Only me.

My gaze was broken as I saw her suddenly walking along the corridor. I swiftly walked away hoping she hadn't seen me stare. I approached my familiar door to my office and quickly got inside, closing the door. My back pressed against it and I sighed.
That girl.

A WATCHFUL EYE - Jonathan Crane FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now