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Name: Yoshitatsu Uzumaki

Nicknames: Yoshi or Tatsuo; Yoshi-nii (Nawaki)

Age: 19-

Birthday: February 14th

Height: 6'4.3" at arrival; 6'6.9" (204 cm) by age 21

Eye color: Blue

Hair Color: Red

Skin Complexion: Fair

Skills: Fuinjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, bukijutsu, juinjutsu

Likes: Swordsmanship, smithing, Archery, Music, Nature, beauty, farming/gardening

Dislikes: Cowardice, weakness, people doubting his masculinity

Relatives: Kushina (younger cousin), Mito (aunt)

Background: Yoshitatsu is the son of the Uzukage's eldest brother who is the wealthiest merchant in Uzushio. His mother is the priestess of the Shinigami temple of Uzushiogakure. He is a fuinjutsu prodigy, master of the sword, and one of the strongest shinobi that has come out of the Uzumaki clan.

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