Chapter 2 - Konoha

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Yoshitatsu spoke with a serious expression on his face.

Hiruzen saw his serious look and sat in his his seat more attentively.

"I'm sure you're aware that the new host of the Kyuubi no Kitsune will be sent to the village soon." He started.

"Yes." Hiruzen said. "Mito-sama told me that she's suspected to arrive sometime next year."

"So you're aware of princess Kushina." He nodded. "Well, part of my mission from the clan was to prepare her stay."

Hiruzen glanced at Mito.

"I would like to purchase land and build a compound for our princess." Yoshitatsu said. "I would also like to register our clan on Konoha's charter, naming the Uzumaki clan as an official clan."

Both Mito and Hiruzen were shocked.

Yoshitatsu proceeded to pull a scroll out of his shirt and sat it on the Hokage's desk.

Hiruzen took it and opened it.

Channeling chakra into the seal, a stack of paper and a couple of scrolls.

Mito walked over to his side of the desk to look at the papers as well, curious.

The more Hiruzen read, the more surprised he was.

Mito was equally stunned.

"As you can see, any conflict between Fire and Whirlpool country is not a concern. As of now, Whirlpool and Fire country are under one government with Uzu no Kuni acting as an unincorporated territory of Hi no Kuni." He said.

Mito looked at him with a mixed expression.

"All the finer details of the agreement are found in those documents." He continued.

Hiruzen hummed as skimmed over everything.

When he finally looked up at Yoshitatsu, there was a complicated look in his eyes.

"This still has to be approved by the other shinobi clans." He responded.

Yoshitatsu's brows furrowed.

The Fire Daimyo already approved it so what could they say?

However, he was willing to follow their protocol and nodded to Hiruzen. It would be better to work with the Hokage and have an easy transition then to force himself into the village.

Their blood and family ties to the Senju (and Uchiha) didn't matter if the rest of the clans decide to become their enemy.

It would be a political mess.

"Are more of your members coming here?" Sarutobi asked.

He shook his head.

"Just me and Kushina." He answered.

A short silence passed between them.

"How about we just let the Uzumaki clan be a minor clan first?" Mito said. "Since it will only be you two?"

"I agree." Hiruzen nodded.

"Will we get the same rights as the major ones?" Yoshitatsu asked.

"I'm sure we can give you some flexibility there. The fact that the clan has an entire country backing them should be enough to get you a seat on the shinobi council." Hiruzen thought.

Mito nodded.

"The number of members places a major role in your clan's status outside of the clan's abilities." Mito explained. "You need at least 26 people to be considered a major clan."

Yoshitatsu thought about it for a moment.

"As long as you can promise us a seat on the council and guarantee our legal protection." Yoshitatsu conceded. "And if you need to speak to the Daimyo on the matter, the Uzumaki clan head is willing to meet with you and come to the table."

"I see." Hiruzen said, clenching his hands in front of his face as he looked at the Uzumaki. "I think we should discuss things with the Daimyo."

"Given that there is another war brewing, that is meeting we'll put that on hold." He said. "Here's what I'll do. You can purchase the land and have your compound built. However, I can't automatically give you a seat on the council."

He paused for a moment.

"Lets do this. How about you become a registered shinobi of the Leaf. It'll show your loyalty and willingness to protect it. Maybe we'll even assign you a genin team if you're skilled enough."

Yoshitatsu thought about it.

At his lack of response, Hiruzen spoke again.

"Why don't you think about it?" He said, ending the meeting. "Come see me when you've made your decision."

Yoshitatsu nodded.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." He bowed.

Hiruzen waved him off.

"Let's have dinner soon, Mito-sama." He said to the older Uzumaki as she walked away. "I'll bring Biwako and the little ones over."

"I'd like that very much, Saru-chan." She smiled at him.

Hiruzen smiled back.

After saying their goodbyes, the Uzumaki left the office closing the door behind him.

"You can come out, Danzo." Hiruzen said moments later.

A hawk masked figure appeared in front of him.

He was dressed in all black with gray armor.

This was no one other than Danzo Shimura, ANBU commander of the Leaf Black Ops force.

"Hokage-sama." He says.

Hiruzen nodded.

"You want to explain why you're here instead of your own office?" He asked.

"I heard an Uzumaki arrived at the village early this morning." Danzo answered. "I wanted to observe him and feel him out."

"And?" Hiruzen asked.

"I don't like him." He stared bluntly.

"You don't like anyone, Danzo." Hiruzen chuckled.

"I'm serious, Hiruzen." Danzo frowned under his mask. "Why does the Uzumaki clan want to join the village all of sudden? And why only send one?"

"From the sounds of it, the clan doesn't intend to resettle or anything." Hiruzen mused. "Honestly, there can be a number of reasons for them doing this."

"I think he's a spy." He immediately said.

"Not everyone's a spy, Danzo." Hiruzen rolled his eyes. "But, there's a reason I suggested he become a Leaf shinobi and eventually lead a genin team. It'll be easier to keep an eye on him."

He suddenly chuckled.

"He's also Tsunade's fiancé and from the looks of it, it's not something neither one of them can break off." He said. "Any ill will he may have is nipped in the bud by the Daimyo's seal. Not even the Uzukage could do anything if we had to kill him. I'd say he's well checked."

Danzo was quiet for a while.

"I'll take your word, Hokage-sama." He said before disappearing in a whirl of leaves.

"Drama queen." Hiruzen mumbled under his breath.

He sighed and took another smoke.

'Just another day in the life of a Hokage....'

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