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"WHAT?!" Came a loud yell from the Senju compound.

Minutes later, a young blonde teen stormed out the house full of rage.

"Tsunade!" A dark haired man came out the house and yelled after. "Get back here this instant!"

"Screw you." Tsunade turned and spat on the ground. "And screw this family!"

"Tsunade!" The man yelled angrily.

He was about to run after her and teach her some manners when he was stopped by an older woman.

She shook her head.

"Let her go." She said solemnly. "She needs her space right now."

The younger man frowned.

He watched her walk out the compound and turn the corner, disappearing from his sight. He stared at the gates before turning to the older woman.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He said, slightly angry.

"It was something your father and I decided to keep under wraps until the time came." She sighed. "With the other nations mobilizing and this village still trying to stabilize, we are in a precarious position. If word of this engagement passed, it would alarm the other clans, the Uchiha in particular."

The man pursed his lips.

He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't.

He felt a complex of emotions, hurt and disappointment being the biggest ones.

After sorting out his feelings, he shoved the negative ones deep down and looked at his mother with a serious expression.

"When will he be coming?" He asked.

"I'm not sure." She said. "It was originally supposed to be a shotgun wedding. I'm not sure if the boy has been informed yet. They've only sent me his profile."

She thought for a moment.

"However, if he's been told as early as Tsunade, it may be a chance that he will be a part of the envoy that escorts our new jinchuriki to Konoha." She commented.

"....That's not far away." He said in deep thought. "Why tell her now when it's a few years away?"

"I wanted to give her time to process and prepare herself." The woman sighed. "It's the least I can do given the circumstances..."

Silence fell between them.

Minutes later, the man spoke up.

"You said they gave you his profile?" he asked.

The woman nodded.

"I want to see it." He said, walking past. "I at least need to know something about the bastard."

He mumbled the last part under his breath.

The woman followed after him.

As they started down the hall, the woman was glomped by something small and it stuck onto her legs.

"Obachan!" A child stared up at with bright eyes.

"Nawaki-kun." She says fondly.

"I tested my affinity!" He said in excitement.

"Really?" The older woman looked surprised and looked at the man who also stopped.

The older version of the boy shrugged his shoulders, equally clueless.

"Yeah!" He grinned and puffed out his chest. "I have three affinities: Water, Earth, and Fire. Hishimi-san said that it's rare and that I could be powerful ninjutsu user one day!"

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