Chapter 1 - Arrival

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As the sun rises, a red blur flies through the trees of the Fire Country.

As it shot into the sky, a tattered black cloak sailed through the air.

This red blur headed towards a the great forest of trees that stood mightily against the sky. Those familiar with the thick and monumental forest know of the village hidden in the leaves.

With another great leap into the sky, the blur jumps into the canopy and continues to hop between its strong branches.

It wasn't until it neared the tall wooden gates of Konoha that it landed on the road from the trees.

The guards at the gate were immediately alarmed when a figure suddenly appeared on the road.

The person was fairly tall and wore a sandogasa on their head. Their feet didn't make a sound as they approached them.

The closer they got, the more they could see their appearance.

They were dressed in dark colors, wearing dark blue bakama (hakama with leggings) and match gi (kimono-style shirt) over a white juban (undershirt) with black tabi socks, a belt, and a tight turtleneck mask arm warmer shirt under their clothes that only left the upper half of their face visible. Under the hat were a pair of calm blue eyes and long red hair fell about their face like bangs.

They wore waraji on their feet and a tattered mino on their broad shoulders.

From the sword hanging on his waist, they could tell this person was a samurai.

The shinobi watched them with cautious eyes, confused to why a samurai was coming to the village.

When they got to the gate, they spoke.

"I am Yoshitatsu Uzumaki, hailing from the Village Hidden in the Whirlpool." He announced himself. "I am here to pay my respects to the Senju clan and seek an audience with your Hokage."

The guards shared a look.

After a silent conversation, one of them stepped forward while the other one left in a swirl of leaves.

"Let me see your registration." The lone guard stepped forward.

The Uzumaki raised his hands in surrender before carefully reaching in the breast of his clothes to take out his registration.

The shinobi took his documents and read over it.

"I also have a letter from the clan head if it'll lessen your worries." He spoke.

"Let me see it." The guard said.

"I'm going to grab it." Yoshitatsu informed him.

The guard nodded and watched him grab his letter before handing it to him.

He took it and read the letter. At the sight of the clan seal, he knew it was legit.

He handed the scrolls back to him.

At the same time, two ninja appeared at the gate.

"Everything checks out." The guard said to them. "He's clear."

The other guard nodded.

"I'll take it from here, fellas." A brown-haired man with glasses said. "Follow me, Uzumaki-san."

Yoshitatsu followed him.

It was still too early in the morning and the streets were mostly empty.

Yoshitatsu looked at everything around him.

It was his first time in Konoha.

It was a nice village that was still growing.

There were markets and stores and different styles of resident areas.

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