Chapter 4 - The Uzumaki

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Tsunade met with her genin team earlier that morning.

She trained them for a few hours before letting them go home for the day.

She spent the rest of her time at the library, studying medical ninjutsu and chakra theory. When the sunset, she went home in hurry.

Her family always had dinner at 7.

It was 6:55 when she got home and she sighed in relief.

Her grandmother maybe be an old woman, but she didn't dare test her patience or offend her for that matter. She didn't show it often but an angry Mito was terrifying.

As soon as she opened the door, a wonderful smell filled her nose.

Her mouth watered and she gulped, stopping herself from drooling.

She quickly walked inside and shut the door behind her before removing her shoes.

"Tsunade, is that you?" She heard Mito call out.

"Hai." She responded.

She heard some footsteps approaching her until her grandmother finally came into view.

Mito looked down at Tsunade with a smile and motioned her over for a hug.

Tsunade gladly hugged her, loving the warmth of her grandmother's arms.

"Obaachan." She sighed.

"Hello, Tsu-chan." Mito said. "How was your day?"

"It was good, obaachan." Tsunade said.

"Well I'm happy to hear that." Mito said, pulling away. "Go ahead and clean up. Dinner will be ready in 10."

"Hai." Tsunade nodded.

She also wanted to take a bath, wanting to wash off today's work.

Tsunade went upstairs to get cleaned up.

After a hot bath and some fresh clothes, Tsunade felt refreshed and was in a good mood.

When she got downstairs, she went straight to the dining room.

Upon her arrival, the last plate was sat on the table.

"Onee-chan!" Nawaki beamed at his older sister.

"Hey, squirt." Tsunade smiled and tousled his hair.

Nawaki didn't look to pleased and swatted her hand away.

Tsunade grinned while Mito smiled at their interaction.

After teasing her little brother, Tsunade took her seat at the table.

It was only then when she noticed the stranger sitting across from her.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Tsunade." Mito lightly admonished as she cleared her throat. "Don't be rude to our guest."

"Yoshitatsu Uzumaki." He answered, meeting her gaze.

Tsunade heart nearly skipped as she took a good look at him.

Slim face, high cheekbones, a slender nose, a strong brow ridge, symmetrical features, full lips, a defined chin, a sharp jawline, perfectly arched eyebrows, and a pair of deep set eyes that were a calm, oceanic blue.

He had long vermillion red hair with clear, fair skin.

With his upright posture and manner, he looked very princely.

He was beautiful, through and through.

"I am a distant cousin of Mito-sama." He told her.

Tsunade nodded but began to feel uncomfortable in her heart.

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