Chapter 7

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Yoshitatsu used the day to explore the village.

After spending some time with Mito, she left to go see the Hokage.

Seeing that he was finally alone and didn't want to sit in the house all day, he decided to use the time to get a good look at village.

After dressing in fine clothes, he left the Senju compound and started down the path toward the village.

He decided to the visit the shopping district first to see the quality of goods the village had to offer.

When he entered the shopping district, he was greeted by several vendors selling fresh fruit and vegetables.

He made a mental note to buy some later.

Recalling how dry the cabinets and poorly stocked refrigerator.

It didn't seem anyone cooked often.

Yoshitatsu walked into the nearest clothing shop.

"Hello?" He called out.

"Hello!" The storekeeper appeared from the back.

It was a woman with short brown hair and brown eyes. She was average in both height and looks.

"How can I help, my lord?" She said more humbly.

Yoshitatsu raised an eyebrow at her sudden change in tone, wondering why.

"Yes, do you sell any fine kimonos?" He asked.

"We have a few selections of kimonos and yukatas." She answered. "However, I'm afraid they won't be to my lord's liking."

"I see." Yoshitatsu nodded. "I would like to browse for a moment."

The shopkeeper bowed respectfully.

"If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to ask." She said.

"Thank you." He replied.

The shopkeeper excused herself and left him to his own devices.

As he said, Yoshitatsu wondered around the store, looking at the clothes.

The most of the material was light and breathable. They were causal and some were meant to be worn by shinobi.

Even though nothing in the store suited his tastes, he had gist of what expect in other stores and an idea of the fashion trending in the village.

He couldn't say he was impressed.

After leaving that store, he went to several other stores.

Like the first store, the storekeepers were respectful and treated him with high priority.

Yoshitatsu was still oblivious to why they treated him in that matter but took it all in stride.

As he explored the shopping districts, he caught the eyes of several people, especially women. He made everyone curious and they soon started to gossip about him.

"Isn't that man handsome?"

"Who is he?"

"Is he a young lord?"

"He might be a noble from the capital."

"Looks like a foreigner."

"He could be a foreign diplomat."

"He's so beautiful."

"His hair is so red."

Yoshitatsu heard their whispers and a small smile formed on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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