Chapter 3

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I walked into school hand in hand with my boyfriend...If I would even consider him that. I mean we just kissed, friends don't just kiss and not be more. Okay well some friends do that but I don't want to be those type of friends. You know the ones with benefits and what not. I was just glad to have him by my side. Everything was going well...until I saw his nasty friend, Connor

"Ew, I'm glad you're not like that." I said to Thomas, while glaring at Connor.

"I'm glad I'm not like that either." I chuckled a little I just didn't understand how he doesn't like Connor that much but is like best friends with, other than me, and is in a band with. "Hey by the way I forgot to ask, did you make up with Staci or are you going to be joining me for lunch?" Thomas asked forcing me out of my complicated thoughts.

"Well I haven't talked to Staci and if you wouldn't mind..." I said trailing off giving him puppy dog eyes, they always worked on him.

"You know I don't care that you sit with us, and Braiden is out sick, so all you really have to do is check with Riley because I know you don't care if Connor doesn't want you there or not."

"Okay thanks, I got to go see you at lunch than."

"Maybe." He smiled and walked off to his locker on the other side of the school.

I saw Riley finishing up at his locker and about to leave and I really need to talk to him, so I did the only thing I could think of

"RILEYYYYYYY" I yelled down the hallway earning a couple stares from annoyed kids thinking it's way to early in the morning for yelling but I didn't care.

"Yes..?" He asked as soon as I reached my locker

"Do you care if I sit with you guys at lunch?" I asked opening my locker

"Yeah I don't mind, all you have to do is check with Connor because Braiden is sick and I'm pretty sure you all ready asked Thomas." Riley answered

"What about me." I turned around to see Connor behind my locker

"Oh I was just asking Riley if he didn't mind if I sat at your lunch table today." I said kindly getting my stuff out of my locker, I wasn't gonna be mean to Connor I mean I didn't want to eat lunch with the nerds.

"I don't mind you could do anything you want to." He winked


"Oh by the way I'm free this Saturday if you wanna come over and...well you know." I almost barfed in my mouth right then and there.

"I wouldn't dream of it, plus I have a boyfriend well I think we're dating I don't know he hasn't asked me out but we kissed." I totally forgot who I was talking to Connor...

"Well I don't know if you haven't noticed but I kiss girls all the time and we're not together."

"That's because you're Connor McDonough." I said shutting my locker and walking away...I didn't even notice Riley must have walked away a while ago.

"Hey babe wait up." I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face Connor 

"First off don't call me 'babe' pretty sure we already had this talk, Second off I'm not your babe" and with that I turned around and walked away.

"Fine KC, I don't mind if you have lunch with us."

"aww thanks but I didn't really give a shit about your opinion" 


"Yeah and you're not..HA.. you might not want to talk to me it might ruin your rep." 

"What's that supposed to mean." He asked

"It means you're all badass, you know to cool for school, you wouldn't want to be seen talking to someone who actually gives a shit about peoples feelings."

"Why do you hate me so much anyway?" He asked, to bad it was perfect timing we had arrived to my class and I really didn't want to give him an answer.

"Sorry got to go...BYE see you at lunch." I said turning on my heals and walking into class but that didn't stop him he walked in right after me and right after that was the bell.

"Well it's nice to see you McDonough, but if I'm mistaken I don't see you til next class period, if you bother to show up."

"Nice to see you to teach" Connor reply ed back with a smirk

"Now if you excuse me I hate to be rude but can you leave, now."

"But I have to as-"

"You can ask KC out on a date another time, now get before I call the principle down"

At this point I turned pink and everyone was looking at me or Connor, mostly Connor tho because he was the one leaving.




Yah lunch, normally I was excited for lunch but not today, I had to face up to Connor and eat lunch with him... to much for one day.

"Hey" Riley said closing his locker, waiting for me


"So hungry, I was talking to this cute girl last period and my stomach made the most embarrising noise ever, she laughed and walked away."

"oh you want to talk about embarising, My teacher made this big scene because Connor would leave the class so he said something about how he could ask me out later."

"ha that must have been awkward, but Connor not wanting to leave a class...doesn't sound right, what did you say to him?"

"He asked me why I hated him so much and I didn't feel like answering him so I walked in class"

"Lovely story It is really but if we don't get to lunch sooner I might die"

and with that we went to lunch ....

A/N I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY I haven't updated in forever, this is short, it sucks and I owe you so much more....but I will update soon maybe tomorrow depends on what time I get back from babysitting, but if I do update tomorrow it will be short because I will be tired like I am right now I mean it is 1:51,Time to sleep

Anywho I haven't been updating because I've been busy HAHAHAHAHAH just kidding I don't have a life....-___- yup I just haven't felt like writing but its gonna get good from here this was just filler chapter some funnyness I hope I TRY to be funny see that word TRY in there...yup 

SO yeah 

I know it's a lot because I'm a buttwhole but...



READ HAHA(you already did)






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