Chapter 14

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It's been three weeks since my parents told me I was moving and its been insane. Me and Connor have been hanging out almost every day and the days we arn't it's me and Thomas hanging out. I guess I'm moving in with my mom unless my dad finds a place closer to the school and I can live with him. But even then I would be miserable. I don't get it, we're moving in one week and they still haven't found a house. 

I was getting ready for my last week of school when my phone buzzed from my table. It was Connor

"Helloooo" I answered

"Hey I'm outside, We're gonna drive today because it's too hot" Me Connor and Thomas have been riding our skateboards to school everyday because I guess it's more time to spend with me as they say. But I don't mind it, more time with me means more time with them.

"Alright give me 5 minutes" I hung up and walked to my door grabbed my shoes and went downstairs.

"Good morning hunny, I think today is the day I'm gonna find our future house"  I just rolled my eyes. She's been saying this for the past 3 weeks

"If it's not in the school district I don't care" I said grabbing an apple and leaving the house

I got to Connors house to see the front seat was free. I got in the car and kissed Connor good morning and since thinking we were the only people in the car. I went into a full on make out until I heard gagging from the back. Embarrassed I pulled away to a smiling Connor. I looked behind me and there was Thomas and Riley looking like they were about to throw up. 

"Sorry guys I didn't know you were here" I said sitting back in my seat and putting on my seat belt.

"Yah anyways any news on the new house?" Thomas asked

"Nope the same old, ' I think today is the day' saying"

"Man that sucks that you're moving but at least its summer so you could still stay out later, plus you can get your license soon and a car." Riley said

"True, The only good thing about moving is that my parents think it's a good time to get my license" 

"Yah and I have a car so I'll be visiting you whenever we both have free days" Connor said as we pulled into the parking lot of the hell hole I'll actually miss.

We walked into school while Thomas goes his own way to his locker, Connor Riley and Me usually walks to mine and Rileys' locker but before we could today Riley said he had to go by a 'friends' locker. He's been doing this recently Connor says it's just a friend but I think he has found himself a girlfriend.

When I got to my locker I looked at Connor seriously. 

"What if you find a better girl than me this summer at like a beach party or something"

He turned serious so fast it scared me "Kc there is no one better than you and plus I already learned my lesson being without you was the worst thing I've ever had to go threw and I wouldn't do that again for anyone, not even Miley Cyrus" I gave him a hug and we stood there for a while before the five minute bell rang. 

"I have to get to my locker in class, see you at lunch okay?"

"Okay" (TFIOS reference)


The day went by fast and as soon as I knew it Connor was dropping me off because he has work until 7. 

I walked in the house and my mom was sitting at the table with a bunch of paperwork. This was like every other day but this time she had a huge smile on her face instead of a stressed out.

"I'm home" She jumped when she heard me talk

" I have great news, we got a house!!!" I tried to smile for her I really did but I just couldn't

"Where is it?"

"Alright here's the thing, It's 15 minutes away but you have to go to a different school" I don't know what to say or how to feel a mean I'm happy that I'm gonna still be able to go to Connors on a day to day basis but changing schools isn't going to be fun

"Wow I don't know what to say I mean I'm glad but sad at the same time"

"Don't worry I understand, but you're going to love the new house it's big and nice and I'm surprised that we can afford it because its a lot nicer than the one we have now"


"Yah it has a pool. and a biggish basement, but with just you and me living there you can take the basement and make it like a rec room for you and your friends. We have a pool table in storage and all that fun stuff"

I was actually feeling a little happy about this move 

"Alright while I'm gonna start packing, when do we move in"

"Saturday morning"


I've been going threw my closet for hours trying to figure how to fit it all in boxes it was weird and I didn't like it. My phone began to buzz and I looked at the clock. It read 8:15 . I picked up the phone knowing it was Connor 

"I'm coming over alright?" He said into the phone

"Alright I'm just packing" I heard Connor sign as he hung up

Few minutes later he was coming through my window 

"This looks weird I don't like it" He said looking at all the boxes and shit laying around

"Same, but I need to take a break for a while" 

"What do you have in mind" Connor said with a grin

"Cuddling I don't have enough energy for that right now" Truth is we still haven't done it and I feel bad for not because I know he like loves it or whatever and I don't wanna be bad because of how experienced he is.

"Okay Come lay down" I layed down on my messy bed as he did the same

"Oh yah my mom found out where we're moving"


"Some town 15 minutes away, that's not bad I guess but I still have to change schools"

"That sucks"

"The only good thing is it has a pool and my mom practically said I could have people over whenever I wanted, theres a big basement that I can make my own"


"Shut up" I said play slapping him.

"Don't worry it's gonna be a great summer"

A/N I am so sorry I haven't updated in like 2 months. The thing is I started drivers ed and sophomore year started Aug 14th and I got really sick at the end of July and I have just been really stressed out but I will say I AM SOO happy with all the votes and Comments I've been getting so thanks for that and yah

I hope everyone had a great summer and the begining of school is going well becaue I know mine is





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