Chapter 11

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I woke up in my bunk very confused on how I got there. The last thing I remember is falling asleep on Connor. I looked at my phone with two messages and a miss call, all from Connor. I couldn't help but smile. I feel like he actually cares about me. I opened the text

Connor: Good morning beautiful, Sorry I left last night but I layed you down in your bunk and cleaned up before I left. XX
Connor: We all went out to breakfast and thought we should let you sleep, see you later- Sent 9:22
Me: Okay I just woke up and thank you. Bring me back something good :) -Sent 9:40
Connor: Okay I'll just bring you back myself
Me: Well that's fine with me
Connor: We don't have a show tonight and since we're in Chicago I thought we could go down to the beach or something maybe like a little date night?
Me: Sounds like a deal. Would we have to sneak out
Connor: Maybe because Thomas wants to hang out with you in the day so maybe we could go like 11 or 12?
Me: Okay:)

I put my phone down to go take a shower. I just thought about Thomas. I really haven't been talking to him. I've been so involved with Connor and not letting anyone find out about us that I haven't even been a good friend.

After I finished showering and getting dressed in ripped jeans and a Nirvana shirt I walked out to see all of All Time Low minus Rian looking at me. 

"What?" I asked

"Jack thinks your hot." Alex said walking away to his own bus to leave an angry/blushing Jack and an awkward Zack 

"Alex what the fuck man" Jack yelled going after him

I thought this would be a good time to get to know Zack

"Uhm hi I'm"

"KC I know" Zack said looking up from his skateboard "Nice to actually meet you"

"Same, whatcha working on there" I asked looking at the skateboard

"Just fixing the-"

"Bearings I know"  I said

He looked up and smiled. "You know about skateboards?"

"A little bit, me and Thomas would put them together when we were kids but we would always fall because we didn't know what the fuck we were doing" I said laughing

"You and Thomas close?" Zack asked

"Best friends. why do you ask

"He talks about you a lot and his lock screen is a picture of you and him, so I just thought you were more than friends.

"Ha, we already tried that, it lasted a day because I kissed Co-" I was about to say Connor fuck "Uhm no one uhm a friend from school" 

"Wow a cheater."

"Well it wasn't really my fault and I told him right after it happened but I guess it still counts right"

"Yah well at least you didn't keep the relationship going and cheat behind the guys fucking back"

"Is this a sore subject?"

"Yah kind of. Did you bring your board with you?"

"Of course why?"

"You must be hungry, lets go ride and get some ice cream"

"Yes ice cream for breakfast." I went to get my board and as I walked by Jack he looked down almost embarrassed I laughed to myself then went outside to meet Zack



"Wow when you said you were a good skater I didn't think you were good enough to keep up with me" Zack said as he got his ice cream

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