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It's been 3 months and the tour has one more show to go. Me and Jack have been together for three months. Well we arn't really together. We've just been sleeping in the same bunk, holding hands , and going on dates, but he said he wasn't really ready for a boyfriend and with what has happened with me and Thomas and with me and Connor I don't really need one either. Connor. Don't get me started on Connor. He was really upset right when I broke up with him but after a few weeks of seeing me and Jack buddy buddy all the time he kind of just went on a girl spree. I guess I minded because I still really like him and I'm trying to go with the flow and be the cool girl that everyone likes but its hard. Fans calling me a slut because they see me hugging and kissing jack. And they know I'm not his girlfriend so just more of a reason for them to call me a slut. Anywho, the tour is over after tonight and we are heading home tomorrow. It's December 20th so just in time for Christmas.

"KC Lets go." Jack called. I was sitting in the 'bathroom' doing my hair. We were going to the park to talk, but it's probably going to end badly.

"COMING" I left the bathroom grabbed my bag and vans and headed out the door. I got outside and put on my sunglasses seeing Jack. He always looked so cute with his tall, lanky, awkward self. We started walking toward the park, when a girl came up to us.

"Oh My Gosh, you're Jack Barakat!!!!!!" She looked like she was about to pass out.

"Yes, Hi are you a fan?"  I could tell by the look on his face that he was happy someone reconized him

"Only for years, I own every album, I have posters all over my ro-" She stopped as her faced turned red realizing what she had said "Uhm can I get a picture" She giggled getting out her Iphone

"Yah no problem" Jack bent down next to her to take it selfie style "Here KC can you take another one of us" Jack asked handing me the phone, I did as he asked seeing as the girl was about to cry

"Thank so much, you don't understand how much you mean to me, your music has really gotten me threw the bad stuff in my life, I'll let you two be now, again thank you" I could relate, All Time Low was always a band that was there for me whenever I was upset

"No problem, thank you, and I love you" The girl ran off waving and looking back to get every last glance of Jack before he disapeared in the distance.

"I think you just made her life" I said intertwining our hands and continuing to walk.

"I love meeting fans randomly and them freaking out because they think its not real life or something, It makes my day"

"You know I almost cried when I met you" I said looking down

"You did?" Jack asked shocked

"Well yah, I've been a big fan for years."

We kept walking and talking about our past and stuff until we stopped at a bench and here it was Jack looked at me kind of upset and I felt the break up to our non-existing relationship about to occur.

"Listen KC I think we should talk about the whole end of tour thing" Jack said looking at me

"Look I think we should just go on with our life's, it was a three month thing and if we end up seeing each other in the future then it'll happen. and if it doesn't then it wasn't meant to be you know"

"EXACTLY, you know I'm not ready for a real relationship and long distant is so difficult."

"I am glad we agree on something, now can we go back in your bunk and cuddle and make out while we still have 3 hours together" 

"Yes please"


"You know you're beautiful' Jack said between kissing me. We were in his bunk with the curtain close minding our business

"and do you know your really hot" I said getting on top of him trying to be sexy I took my shirt off only to bang my head on the top of the bunk. We both started laughing really hard. 

"I've never heard someone laugh so much while having sex" Alex screamed from the kitchen "But could you keep it down" This only made us laugh like 10 times harder. "Alright times up, Jack its time to get ready for the show" Jack signed giving me one last kiss and getting out of the bunk. He went in the 'bathroom' and turned the shower on. I got my shirt back on, with much struggle, and got out of the bunk

"Thank you" I said grabbing the apple Alex WAS eating and sat down across from him at the table

"You know we're going to miss you" Alex said grabbing another apple from the fridge

"And I'm going to miss you guys too"

"Word is we may be playing warped this year (A/N not true but I wish it was) do you usually go?"

I started laughing "Only every year since I was 12" 

"Good so we'll see you then, but thats still 6 months away" 

"Here give me your phone I'll put my number in and whenever you're in town you can give me a jingle" He handed over his phone and I can't believe I was putting my number in Alex Gaskarths phone.


"I'm gonna miss you a lot" Jack said giving me a hug before I was to get on my plane." The last show, like every tour they do, was in Baltimore so they could just drive home

"I don't wanna leave"  I was about to cry and I could tell that Jack was really upset too

"I'll see you soon okay" He said kissing my forehead and then Thomas came to get me because it was time to go. I waved goodbye to Jack looking back as he became smaller and smaller.


Of course I had to be in between Connor and Thomas

"Can we talk" Connor said looking at me

"About what, how you cheated on me" I said giving him the death glare Thomas leaned forward too but not for long when Connor gave him 'that look'

"I miss you a lot and I tried not cheating on you but I usually sleep with a girl every night so excuse me if I slipped, my point is that I haven't slept with a girl in like 4 weeks because I've been trying to be a good guy so I can get you back. I really miss you KC" 

"So you expect me to just fall into your arms like that"

"I kind of hoped you would"

"Fine but only for right now because I accidental packed my neck pillow and I need someone to rest on." I said resting my head on his shoulder. He began stroking my hair and I thought to myself considering the possibility of actually getting back with him. I swore to myself that if someone ever cheated on me I would never think twice about going back to that but something is different with Connor and I really do miss him. Sometime I don't know if I actually liked Jack for Jack or if I wanted someone I could talk to and make out with. but whatever the case if I was gonna take Connor back he would have to work for it.

A/N - HI GUYSSSSSS thanks for reading so far. I love getting comments even if its a simple update, it makes me happy to know people like my story. Shoutout to @purpledinoblack for leaving me that really nice comment :)))

ANYWHORE School is almost out YASSSS 






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