1.5K 52 10

Summer 2006

Warnings: Blood


"Good work everyone, we're inside Jujutsu High's barrier now."

Riko was panting beside me, exhausted from all the walking.

"What a relief," Riko said, I handed her a handkerchief for her to wipe her sweat.

"Satoru, Y/n," Geto called out, I looked up at him, "You guys did well."

"You too, Geto," I said.

Gojo sighed, "I never wanna get stuck babysitting a brat again."

"Hey, she's not a brat!" I pointed at Gojo.

Just then, I saw a sword stab through Gojo's chest. Blood dripping down the ground.

"SATORU?" I screamed, my eyes widening.

"Impossible," Geto said.

I pulled Riko and Kuroi behind me. A man was behind Gojo, his sword still stabbed into Gojo's chest. I looked at him, horrified. Geto summoned his curse and the guy flew into the air, Geto's curse swallowing the guy.

"Gojo!" I shouted as Geto shouted 'Satoru'. Gojo put up a hand to stop Geto from going any further.

"I'm fine," he said.

"Prioritize Riko first, Suguru, Y/n, you two get her to Tengen-sama first," Gojo said, stretching his arms, "I'll deal with him"

I nodded and grabbed Riko's hands.

"Stay safe."


We took the elevator down, I could see Kuroi was stressed. I squeezed her hands and she looked at me, giving me a faint smile.

"This is as far as I go," Kuroi said, bowing as we left the elevator.

Riko turned back to see Kuroi, "Riko-sama, please...please..."

Before Kuroi could finished, Riko hugged Kuroi.

"Kuroi, I love you! I always have and always will!" Riko sobbed.

I sniffled, watching the scene unfold. I waited for Riko and we continued to walk forward. I was trying my hardest not to cry. I could feel the pain in my chest.


"Riko," I said, sadly.

"Don't be sad," Riko said, smiling.

Even though I just met Riko a few days ago, it felt like we've known each other for a long time, "Riko, you're going to be one of the best friends I've ever had."

"You too, Y/n," Riko said.

Although I had friends in Jujutsu High, they weren't like Riko.

Riko was really like her.

"We're in Tengen-sama's territory now," Geto explained.

"Once you descend the stairs, pass through the gate and continue to the base of the big tree. Then you'll be inside the special barrier that's separate from Jujutsu High's barrier. Only those invited are able to enter, Tengen-sama will protect you until the assimilation," Geto said. Riko nodded.

"Once I'm done, we'll go home together," she said.

"You promise?" I asked, holding my pinky finger out.

"I promise!" she said, "and then we can go get our favourite ramen!"

I nodded eagerly, "stay safe! Big sis."

Riko started to tear up in front of me. I hugged her tightly and she hugged back.

"I don't want to leave everyone!" Riko cried, "I want to go to all kinds of places with you guys."

I wiped Riko's tears away, "Riko, me too...me too."

"I want to see all kinds of things, and do more!" Riko sobbed. Geto put a hand on my shoulder and I released Riko from the hug. Geto extended his hand out...

"Let's go home, Riko-chan."

Riko wiped the last of her tears away, "Yeah!"

She started to extend her hand out...




Blood splattered out of Riko's head. My heart stopped.



"Riko?!" I screamed, running towards her, catching her body before she hit the ground, again.

I blinked my eyes a few times, trying to make sure I wasn't hallucinating or dreaming.

"Riko," I said, shaking her but there was no response.

"Okay, job's done, you're free to go now," a man said.

My vision started to blur from the tears flowing out my eyes. I hugged Riko in my arms.


"Why are you here?" I heard Geto ask.

"Why? Because I killed Gojo Satoru," the man said.

Gojo...Was DEAD?!

My head snapped towards the man, "No fucking way."

"Oh, yes way," he said.

Geto summoned his curse. I unsheathed my katana with my shaking hands.

But before I could do anything. The man stabbed me. My already blurred vision became even more blurred. If that was even possible. My hands went to my stomach and I felt warm liquid on my hands, both mine and Riko's.

And I blacked out.

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