Concert Pt. 1 (Adora's POV)

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TW: Sexual coercion/harrassment? idk which word describes it better tbh (nothing actually happens between them) (there will be ☆☆☆ before it begins and once it's over!)

"Glimmer, I feel so nervous. Is it normal to feel this nervous?!" I ask as Glimmer puts my hair up, butterflies swirling around like a storm in my stomach. She just laughs at me.

"Yes, Adora, it's normal to get nervous. You're going on a date!!" She exclaims, excitement in her voice.

"Okay, good. God, I've been on some dates with him before but those were like, going to the movies so we didn't talk much. This is scary for literally no reason."

"It's okay for it to be! I'm sure he'll feel the same.. Probably. Maybe. Anyways, it's normal to feel nervousness so don't worry!" Glimmer tells me as she shoves a mirror in my face.

"Now, look at your hair!"

I take the mirror and look, seeing my hair's put into a messy bun with some small strands falling out on the sides.

"It looks beautiful, Glimmer. Thank you." I compliment it.

"Of course! Now, get your shoes on, it's almost time for you to go!" She tells me, shooing me out of the bathroom and to the couch. I already showered, brushed my teeth, and changed into my outfit so all I need are shoes and my purse. I have about 5 minutes before Zac picks me up.

I quickly grab some clean socks and put them on, grabbing my converse to put on after.

"I wish I could go but studying is a MUST. My grades are really bad..." Glimmer says, scratching the nape of her neck awkwardly.

"Hey, that's okay! You have Bow to keep you company and I'll tell you all about it after!" I say, trying to cheer her up. It works some as she gives me a small smile.

"I can't wait." She tells me, as I get my last shoe on, tying both of them.

Suddenly, I hear a knock at the door, causing the butterflies to pick up again. I take a deep breath and get off the couch.

"That's him.. Oh god, I'm so nervous!" Glimmer gives me a thumbs up and I turn around and open the door.

"Damn, you're looking hot. You ready to go?" He says calmly. How are you so fucking calm?! I think, grabbing my purse and nervously nodding as I leave the house, waving to Glimmer before shutting the door.

We walk silently to his car, holding hands. Once we're there, he walks to his side and gets in, leaving me to get in the passenger seat. I open the door and get in, putting my purse on my lap and fidgeting with my keychain.

"Do you want to choose the music?" He asks me, smiling.

"S-Sure.." I stutter out, taking the AUX cord from his hand.

I decide to just put on my playlist, not being sure of what I want to listen to right now.

The car ride there is pretty quiet, the music being the only thing you can hear. I'm like 99% sure he can probably hear my heartbeat drumming against my chest.

"We're here, Babe." He tells me as he parks the car. I get out, taking a deep breath of fresh air as I do so. Soon after, he gets out as well, coming over to me and linking our arms as he walks to the door, a smile on his face.

Once we're inside, he walks over to a booth with my hand in his, and sits down.

"What are you planning on drinking? Any alcohol?" He asks me. I think for a second before deciding alcohol might not be a good idea, especially if he drinks and can't drive home.

It was always you. - Catradora Band/College AUWhere stories live. Discover now