Sunday (Adora's POV)

37 1 15

(Not proof-read cuz i'm tired, but enjoy!)

I wake up to a few soft knocks on the bedroom door. I glance to my side and see Catra's still sleeping, her cat in her arms. I smile at the sight before realizing that whoever's at the door is going to think... things happened between us.

Before I can think, the door opens slowly. "Hey, Catra..- Oh. OH. Uhmm, sorry, I was just going to see if Catra wanted to come eat breakfast with us... Please wake her up and ask if you don't mind..." A scorpion hybrid with short white hair says awkwardly, quickly closing the door afterwards.

For a few seconds I just sit there, eyes wide open, before I decide I should wake Catra up. I smile seeing her face. She looks so... content. Calm. Like nothing can hurt her, and she knows it. She never looked like this when she lived with her adoptive mother. I still don't know what she's done to her, but whatever it was, it always had her scared shitless. Especially that night. God, I was so stupid back then. Why did I even tell my parents? I decide not to think about it anymore, and reach over to lightly shake Catra awake.

"Catra.. Hey. Wake up." I say, earning a groan and a '5 more minutes..' in return.

"Your friend came in asking if you wanted to eat breakfast. I gotta leave soon too before my friends worry. So get your butt up!" I respond, shaking her a little harder now. Her cat, Melog I think it was, scrambles out of her arms and jumps to the floor, causing her to wake up.

"Great, you scared Melog away. We always cuddle.." Catra grumbles sadly, before throwing the blanket off of herself, revealing her being in only a t-shirt and underwear. I blush and quickly get up, heading to the door.

"Um- I'm going to let you change, I'll be outside the door!" I say quickly, opening the door and scrambling out of the room before shutting it behind me. It makes a loud noise, causing the two girls in the kitchen, one being the one who opened the door, and the other being a girl with purple pigtails, glance over at me with turned heads, clearly confused.

"Sorry.. Sometimes I don't know my own strength, ha.." I say, awkwardly scratching my neck.

"It's okay! Would you like to stay for breakfast? Scorpia made eggs and toast!" The girl with pigtails asks. Suddenly, Catra walks out of her room, wearing some baggy red sweatpants and a black cropped hoodie, and stretches her arms.

"Yeah, why don't you hang for a bit? Wake up before heading back to your dorm, you'll need it for all the questions your friends are sure to ask you." Catra chuckles as she walks past me and to the kitchen table, sitting next to the pigtail girl.

"Oh, yeah, sure.. But is there really enough? I don't want you guys to have to eat less just for me..." I ask.

"Of course there's enough! I always make extra for leftovers anyway, so you'll definitely be able to have some!" The white-haired girl answers.

"Oh, alright. Do I just sit here then?" I ask, pointing to the seat next to Catra, earning a nod from her.


"Oh! I'm Entrapta, by the way, and this is Scorpia! I'm sure you already know Catra, since.. y'know, You were in her ROOM!" Entrapta says and wiggles her eyebrows at us, causing me to blush and look away as Catra just casually stares blankly at her before answering,

"She's straight."

"Ohh, okay!" Entrapta says, smirking at me and raising an eyebrow. What's that about..?

Just then, Scorpia brings out all of our plates, then heads to the cupboard.

"What do you all want to drink? We got apple and orange juice, milk, or water."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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