Valentines Day (Bonus Chapter 1)

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It's Valentine's Day and you were walking with Denki to the classroom. Bakugou was with you, but he disappeared after you got to school. When you woke up this morning Bakugou wasn't next to you. You looked around the house to find him, but you couldn't find him. Deciding that there's no point you stop looking and start to get ready for school. Little did you know, Bakugou was at the store while you were getting ready for school. As you were taking a shower he sneaks back in the house and hides the stuff that he bought. When you exited the bathroom you see him in his uniform for school. Confusion was the first thing that hit you in the face (not literally) because he wasn't there when you looked around the house. He looked at you and smiled.

Where were you?
I was in the attic rearranging some stuff and making it nice
Oh that's odd
Well I was looking for the extra light bulbs because one of the light went out in the garage
Oh okay

You two get ready and head out your house. You were on your phone as Bakugou was driving but something felt wrong. Usually he has his hand on you thigh but today he's got both hands on the wheel. Once you get to UA he gets out and kisses your forehead.

I'll be back i forgot something at home
Oh do you want me to go with you?
No its fine
Oh okay

He kisses you and then leaves you there in the parking lot alone. Denki then walks up to you and the two of you start walking together

Where's you're boyfriend
He forgot something at home
Well that's odd
Why is that?
You know how he is he's always ready for anything and everything that happens. Like if you were kidnapped he would already be figuring out where you are.
Yeah, so?
Bakugou doesn't just forget things.
What happened?
He wasn't with me when I woke up this morning. And when I asked him about it he said he was in the attic but you can hear the feet of someone walking in the attic, and I didn't hear anything
That's very weird
Yeah and then he went on to say that he was in the attic and he was just looking for light bulbs because the one in the garage went out which was true
Did he replace the light bulb
No I don't think he found them

After about 20 minutes you and Denki decide to walk to class. It's been about 30 minutes since Bakugou left and you assume that he was looking for his homework. When Bakugou got back home he unlocked the door and went directly to the attic making sure that all the stuff that he had there when he bought them this morning was still in place when he left. He started to arrange everything and make it look nice and pretty. He hangs some fairy lights against the walls, and sets a table up with a pink tablecloth and throws fake rose petals on the ground from the table to the entrance of the attic. Then he decided that he finished what he needed to do for now and went back to school.

The first spell rang indicating that there was 5 minutes left until class is fully started you looked around and noticed Bakugou still wasn't here yet. Denki looks at you and notices the look on your face. Just then Bakugou walked in the room and sat in his seat (which is in front of yours). English and math class past and the next thing you knew it was time for lunch. You left your stuff in class like always and headed towards the lunchroom. Bakugou was with you but he didn't say anything. The two of you just walked to the cafeteria while the hall was filled with chatter. You reach your hand to hold his because you don't like large crowds and he gladly took your hand in his. He led you through the crowd and to the cafeteria.

Finally, you were finally out of that crowded hallway. Bakugou was standing with you and you walk to the lunch line for the very first time ever. Usually Bakugou would get you your food when he got his but today he wasn't really talking to you so you decided to get your own food. Bakugou was right in front of you as you walk in line to get your food. When you get to the food section Bakugou was putting food on both his and your tray. At first you were confused because he wasn't talking and now he's picking you're food. After you get your food, the two of you head to the roof to eat alone.

Hey Bubbies?
Were okay right?
Yeah why wouldn't we be?
You've seemed distanced today
Yn I love you and only you
I promise *hugs you and kisses your forehead*
Did you fix the light in the garage?
Oh yeah...
*eats my food*
You're so cute when you eat
Hm? *looks at him*
I said you're so cute when you eat
Mm... I disagree
I love you Yn
I love you too Katsuki

After you two finish eating you were sitting together cuddling on the roof waiting for the bell to ring indicating that lunch is over and that you have to go to class. The first lunch bell rang indicating that lunch was over and you have 5 minutes to get to class. You were waiting in your classroom with your boyfriend while the rest of the class slowly filed in. Suddenly there was a midget with purple balls on his head that walked beside your desk. It was Mineta and you did not want to deal with this shit. You prop your feet up on Bakugou's chair and he wips his head noticing Mineta and hits him with an explosion. You give him a smile and he turns back around.

Finally the last class of the day and it just happens to be hero training. You were in the girls changing room while your boyfriend was in the voice changing room but you hear Mineta mumbling about a hole in the wall that he already got in trouble for. Bakugou's had enough of Mineta's bullshit so he hit him with a very powerful explosion and goes back to putting on his hero costume. When the class finally groups back together as a whole you question your boyfriend on what the explosion was about and he just said that Mineta was babbling on again and he's had enough.

Training was very simple today, all you do is get paired up into twos (you were with Bakugou of course) and you practice on aim and defense. Bakugou went easy on you due to the fact that you are pregnant and he doesn't what you to get hurt. After training you changed back into you're casual clothes that you brought with you. You were wearing Bakugou's skull shirt and black sweats with you vans. Once you walk out of the changing room, you saw Denki. Bakugou walked out with Kirishima and he looked you up and down. He looked you in the eyes and turned to leave. You follow him to Aizawa's room and grab your stuff and head to his car. When you open the car you and bombarded with Valentine's Day balloons and your boyfriend was beside you holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers and your favorite chocolate. You are expecting this and when you turn to look at Bakugou do you know this that he was holding the flowers and chocolate. You smile at him realizing that this must have taken him a long time to plan out. He tells you happy Valentine's Day and you tell him that it's so sweet and that he didn't have to do this trying not to cry right now. You two drive home and he turns on the TV and sits in his rocking chair with you on his lap leaning on his chest. After some time you say that you're hungry and he takes you to the attic door. He tells you to open the door and as you do you immediately notice the rose petals on the ground. You two eat dinner up in the attic and talk about how your day went and how sweet this was for him to do and how he didn't have to do it. Finally it's time for bed you two end up cuddling together while falling asleep.

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