Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Pt2

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(A/n: Ngl. I didn't think this story was going to receive such good reception just within the first chapter. Glad to see everyone is enjoying it, assuming you guys and gals are. And with the hitting 200 followers last night, I thank you all. With that I decided to try and get this chapter out as soon as possible. Mwah!)

The fencing salle was awash with morning light, illuminating the swift dance of blades as Y/n and his sister, Rin, faced off amidst the chorus of clashing épées. Both adorned in fencing gear, they moved with the precision and grace from practice. Rin, with a swift feint, aimed high; Y/n, ever agile, dodged, countering with a low strike aimed at her legs.

With a nimble step, Rin evaded the attack, her blade finding its mark against Y/n's chest armor with a resounding thwack.

"Too slow," she taunted with a smirk.

"Slow? That was sheer luck, nothing more," Y/n countered, brushing off the hit with a shake of his head.

"You say that every time. Anyway, I heard about your encounter with the new girl. What's the verdict?" Rin prodded, her curiosity piqued as they reset their stances.

"Weird. She's like a walking epitaph. Always looks as though she's attending a funeral. Honestly, I could go on," Y/n described, his tone a mix of bemusement and critique.

"Is it physically impossible for you to say anything positive about someone?" Rin jabbed, eyeing him critically as they circled each other.

"I'm not always critical. Take Enid, for example. I never say anything bad about her," Y/n pointed out, launching an attack towards Rin's midsection.

"Yeah, but you never say anything good either," Rin deflected smoothly, countering his point as easily as his blade.

"My own personal quote. Silence is golden, better than spreading negativity," Y/n quipped, their blades singing as they engaged in another volley.

"You don't even follow that yourself." Rin rolls her eyes.

"Never said I did." Y/n shrugged.

Their exchange was interrupted as the door swung open, and Wednesday stepped into the salle, her presence commanding attention. Clad in black fencing gear, she moved with an unmistakable air of confidence, her épée held with practiced ease. Y/n's focus momentarily wavered, drawn to the enigmatic newcomer.

That moment of distraction cost him; Rin's blade slipped through his defense, nicking his hand. "Dammit, Rin!" Y/n exclaimed, wincing at the sting of the cut.

"This is why I keep telling you to wear your gloves, you know," Rin chided, her tone a mix of annoyance and concern. Then, noticing his diverted attention, a mischievous grin spread across her face. "Distracted by our Gothic mystery, are we? Harboring a little crush, perhaps?" she teased, her laughter light and taunting.

"Don't be ridiculous," Y/n dismissed quickly, irritation coloring his response. "And for the record, her morose demeanor is hardly what I'd call enchanting. She's definitely not my type."

Rin merely rolled her eyes at his denial. As Wednesday made her way through the fencing salle, she paused to observe a bout that ended with one of the combatants on the floor.

"Coach, Coach, she tripped me." Rowan protested, removing his helmet in frustration.

"It was a clean strike, Rowan." the coach responded, dismissing the complaint with a tone of finality.

"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck." Bianca remarked coolly, lifting her helmet off her head to reveal a look of disdain. "Seriously, Coach, when am I gonna get real competition?" she questioned, her gaze sweeping the room dismissively as Rowan retreated, the coach handing him his glasses in passing.

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