Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe

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Under the bright glare of the midday sun, a black fox weaved through the shadows cast by the towering spires of Nevermore Academy, its movements a silent challenge to the open visibility of daylight. Agile and determined, it navigated the maze of Gothic architecture with a purpose that belied its seemingly playful nature. Reaching a secluded ledge, the creature's form blurred and shifted, revealing Y/n L/n, a young man with a sharp eye for the hidden truths that lay beneath the surface of everyday appearances.

Perched on the edge of the building, Y/n produced his phone, aiming it at a private scene unfolding below. Two students, lost in a kiss, remained oblivious to the world beyond their immediate passion—until an unintended flash pierced their bubble of solitude. The boy looked up, startled, his gaze scanning the rooftops for the source of the disturbance. But where Y/n had been, a gargoyle now stood in his place, its stone face an emblem of silent judgment. "You okay, babe?" floated up the girl's voice, laced with concern.

"Yeah, just thought I saw something," the boy replied, his attention returning to the girl, convinced his eyes had deceived him in the bright light of day.

Y/n, a smirk playing on his lips, dispelled the illusion, allowing the gargoyle to resume its watchful stillness. "Looks like her boyfriend is cheating. My client is going to be devastated," he whispered to himself, the satisfaction in his voice tempered by the unpleasant nature of his discovery. He continued his journey across the rooftops, his whistle cutting through the daytime silence.

Out of nowhere, a white fox darted from the shadows, swift and audacious under the sun's scrutiny. Before Y/n could react, it snatched the phone from his grasp with a grace that bordered on insolent. "You bitch, give that back!" Y/n called out.

In the blink of an eye, the fox transformed, standing before him was Rin, his sister, her demeanor a blend of amusement and mild rebuke.

"Why do you keep doing this? You know it's not right to use people's secrets like this," Rin chided, her voice carrying a note of concern mixed with disapproval

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"Why do you keep doing this? You know it's not right to use people's secrets like this," Rin chided, her voice carrying a note of concern mixed with disapproval.

"It's for money, obviously. And for the record, this isn't blackmail. It's gathering evidence for someone. And more information for me to collect," Y/n retorted, swiftly reclaiming his phone from Rin's grasp.

"You could just ask me for money, you know," Rin offered, her tone softening.

"Nope. Not happening. I don't need your charity. I'm perfectly capable of earning my own money," Y/n shot back, his pride evident in his voice.

"Y/n, it's okay to ask for help when you need it," Rin persisted, trying to break through her brother's stubbornness.

"I don't need help. Never will," Y/n stated flatly, his words closing the door on the subject.

"Alright, have it your way. Anyway, I came to find you because Enid's been looking for you," Rin shifted the topic, hoping to bypass the impasse.

"Oh? What does she want?" Y/n's interest piqued slightly.

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