Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe Pt3

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Wednesday was engrossed in her writing, the steady clack of typewriter keys mingling with the haunting strains of "La Llorona" from the phonograph, crafting an atmosphere of focused melancholy in her room. However, the serene moment was disrupted by an unexpected squeak from her bed. Her fingers paused mid-stroke, and her gaze sharply turned.

Rising slowly, she approached the bed with a predatory grace, her suspicion tangible in the air. With a swift motion, she yanked back the covers, revealing Thing, the animate hand, caught in the act of hiding. "I knew it! Hello, Thing," she greeted, her voice laced with both triumph and accusation.

Thing, realizing its cover was blown, attempted a frantic escape, burrowing under the covers. But Wednesday was quicker, capturing it with ease and lifting it into the air. "Did you think I wouldn't notice the distinct scent of neroli and bergamot from your lotion?" she chided, carrying Thing back to her desk as it writhed in her grasp. "I could do this all day," she remarked coolly, dropping it onto the desk with a thud. "Ready to give up?" she inquired, her tone menacing.

Thing's frantic tapping on the desk signaled its surrender. Wednesday released her grip, allowing it to sit under the focused beam of her desk lamp. "So, Mother and Father sent you to spy on me, didn't they?" she deduced. Thing's finger waggled in a gesture of denial. "I'm not above breaking a few fingers. That they thought I wouldn't find out proves how much they underestimate me." she continued, her voice firm and cold.

Thing tapped again, a pitiable rhythm against the wooden desk. "Oh, Thing, you poor, naive appendage. My parents aren't worried about me. They're evil puppeteers who want to pull my strings even from afar. The way I see it, you have two options." Wednesday analyzed, her gaze piercing. She picked up Thing, hovering it over the open desk drawer menacingly. "Option one. I lock you in here for the rest of the semester, and you go slowly insane trying to claw your way out, ruining your nails and your smooth, supple skin. And we both know how vain you are." she threatened, the drawer's dark void promising isolation.

However, she set Thing back on the desk, closing the drawer with a decisive snap. "Option two. You pledge your undying loyalty to me." she proposed, her voice carrying an edge of finality. Thing, understanding its precarious position, performed a mock bow, a silent vow of fealty. "Our first order of business is to escape this teenage purgatory."

Thing responded with a series of taps "Of course I have a plan." Wednesday assured, a secretive smile playing on her lips. And it begins now."


Wednesday & The Kitsune


Wednesday was slouched in the passenger seat of Ms. Weems' van, parked outside the therapist's building—a place Wednesday had no interest in visiting. "Dr. Kinbott's office is on the second floor. Other Nevermore students swear by her." Ms. Weems mentioned, trying to sound encouraging.

"You'll be here until I'm done?" Wednesday inquired, her tone flat.

"Perhaps afterwards we can visit the Weathervane for hot chocolate." Ms. Weems suggested.

"Principal Weems, this feeble attempt at bonding is beneath you." Wednesday retorted, exiting the van. "And chauffeuring your students around is below your pay grade."

"Given your history, I'm sure you're intent on running away. I'm here to prevent that from happening." Ms. Weems countered.

"I wish you luck." Wednesday remarked dryly, closing the van door behind her. She ascended the stairs to Dr. Kinbott's office, only to be greeted by the sound of a familiar voice exclaiming, "Bite me!" as someone stormed out of the office. Reaching the top, Wednesday spotted Y/n lingering outside Dr. Kinbott's room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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