Chapter 7: May She Begin Anew and Blossom

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"I'm doing much better, actually better than I have for quite some time."

"How dare you think you can just make me look bad like that?!"

Megumi kept his eyes forward ignoring the fuming Nobara. The lung capacity of the teen was impressive, to say the least. The amount of scolding she was laying out without taking a breath was skill on its own. Megumi briefly pondered on the kind of person Nobara would end up marrying. They'd surely have to have a certain personality to handle Nobara's. And if she had kids... they'd surely be in for a time. Or perhaps they'll inherit her personality then it's the rest of the world that'd be spinning on its axis.

Choosing to drown out her words, Megumi adjusted the bouquet of flowers he held. Sunflowers. He'd done minimal research on his phone but it's said that they symbolize healing with positivity. For what Yuma had gone through she could use some positivity.

Nobara had caught him on his way out and the moment she noticed the flowers in his hands she demanded to know where he was going. He quickly shut down Nobara's theory of his visiting a secret girlfriend. That was something he wanted to squash before her exuberant mind started to run wild.

Matters got worse when he stated that the flowers were for Yuma and that he was going to visit her in the hospital. That set Nobara off. It also resulted in him making a second visit to the florist so Nobara could pick out her own flowers for Yuma. She was rather polite to the shopkeep but the moment they exited she turned her bottled ire onto Megumi.

Her biggest gripe kept circling around Megumi visiting Yuma without her and making her look bad. Perhaps it sounded rather self-centered but from their short time together Megumi was able to piece together what Nobara actually meant. She didn't want Megumi to visit Yuma alone in fear that Yuma would think that Nobara didn't care about her.

╚⏤⏤⏤╗🔥🔥Bare Knuckled Burning🔥🔥╔⏤⏤⏤╝

The walk to the hospital hadn't been a long one, but it gave Nobara enough time to calm down. She was a bit indecisive with her choice in flowers and had spent a good amount of time discussing with the florist on the right flowers to purchase. She ended up going for some Chrysanthemums. They were supposed to represent healing with vitality. In Nobara's words, Yuma needed a "kick in the butt" to get her up and running once more.

The automatic doors parted ways allowing the students to enter. Their faces were met with the forceful brush of cold air, pumped by the hospital's overwhelmingly powerful AC unit.

The woman who sat behind the front desk was possibly pushing a second shift. Languish movements and dark circles under their eyes gave a glimpse into their lack of sleep. Despite their weary body, they provided the two teens with a smile as they checked them in and gave them the room number of Yuma.

It was in the elevator that Nobara spoke up. "You should wipe that gloomy look off your face. Do you really think Yuma will wake up if she's going to be greeted by such a moody mug?"

Megumi withheld a roll of his eyes as the elevator dinged signaling their arrival on the seventh floor.

Yuma's room was 715.

Nobara took the lead knocking on the door to announce their arrival. She didn't wait for an indication that she could enter and barged in, her knocking only a courtesy to let whoever was inside know that she was coming.

"Yuma! You better be healing well or–"

Nobara stalled in the doorway, blocking Megumi's view of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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