Chapter I: Engagement

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(A.N: Humanized or Object Heads, your choice. Armless contestants will be armless. Leafy won’t be burnt by Firey in this story.)

Firey’s P.O.V:
Leafy and I have been together for 7 years and have been best friends for 14! So you can probably tell that whenever anyone asks us ‘How long we’re together’ and one of us say ‘7’,


“Umm, I don’t know actually, heh,” I replied shyly. Honestly that never occurred to me. Me, forever together with Leafy?

Look, it's not like that I don't want to, it's just our history…
The competition, dream island, our hiatus, you name it. And besides, I’m not sure if she wants to do it..or if I’m pushing our relationship more than I already am…

“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” Flower asked. Should I tell her? Well, she is my friend, a Have Not member, and we both won a season. “I am planning to ask Leafy the big question,” I responded back, and the next thing I knew, Flower was smiling ear to ear while squealing like a piglet on helium.

“OH MY GARDENER I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!! My bestie is marrying my plant buddy~!!! We HAVE to get started!”

“I haven’t even proposed yet…I don’t know how she feels about this and…
OH GOSH! W-What if she rejects it, what i-if she says we’re going too fast-”

“-Firey! She won’t reject you. For petals’ sake you guys have been together longer than Pin and Coiny! And they never had a toxic relationship (I’m not trying to be rude or anything). Look, I’m not an expert at these kinds of things, but what I can tell, you guys are perfect and made for each other, so don’t let those voices hold you back! Experience more great things in the present than holding onto the past! Time to move on to the next exciting step in life!”

“W-Wow, thanks Flower,” I was in awe of her speech.

“No problem. Do me a favor and get your future fiance!” Flower cheered.

“I will! Thanks again!” I dashed out of the top of the hills and into the bottom ground. I looked around in a blur and spotted Blocky and Woody making a new video. They were doing a variety of pranks and fear destroyers.

“Hey guys! For a prank-” Blocky tried to introduce until I barged in.

“-Blocky! Sorry to interrupt, have you seen Leafy? I remember you were planning to do a prank on her today,”

“Oh, hey Firey. Umm no I haven’t. In fact, I haven’t even seen her today, and plus, we didn’t get a chance to prank her, nor talk to her,”

“We wahl wynd wher! (We will find her!)” Woody chimed in, making me feel both paranoid and relieved at the same time. “Thanks guys,” I sighed and was on my way to god knows where.

After walking for almost an hour, I saw her talking (or at least trying to talk) to Lollipop.

“Hey, Firey!”

“Oh good, he’s here. Firey, would you please take your girlfriend elsewhere? I don't feel like talking to her today,” Lollipop politely asked.

“Yeah sure,” I responded. I took Leafy away from Lollipop.

“So Firey, so you wanted to talk to me about something?”

“Oh yeah…umm” I paused. And the next thing I knew-

“F-Firey? Why are you crying?” Leafy softly asked me. Wait, what? I checked myself and turned out I was. Oh my-

“W-well, this is embarrassing. Haha,” I trembled. Looks like that I was so caught up in the moment that I got a bit…emotional.

“ matter what happens I'll always be there for you, if that's what you're worried about,” Leafy reassured. Which made me drop the question. It's now or never!

“Leafy, I loved you for a very long time and I want to take our relationship to the next step, so by the country of Gloiky, will you marry me?” A few tears started to pour onto my face when I said this.

“Firey…of course!!! I thought you never asked!!!” Leafy gasped and immediately tackled me with a hug. At this point, I was bawling my eyes out.

“THANK YOU SO MUCH!!” I cried.
“Aww, I love you Firey!”
“I love you, Leafy…”

We walked back to our normal posts in the Pillory Ruins and basically talked about the wedding plans;

“So let’s keep it a small wedding, and oh! Instead of day, how about a night time one instead?” Leafy asked me. So of course I replied back “Sure thing,” but I was also a bit confused. I never heard about getting married at night.

“Can I ask why?” I questioned.

“No reason in particular. Thought it’ll be cool and authentic, and besides, I kinda wanted a lantern-themed wedding party,” Leafy admitted sheepishly.

“That’s…actually a great idea! We can totally do it!”

“Oh my leaf blower, this is going to be AWESOME!!”

“Heh, just like you,” I pathetically say to Leafy.
“Oh. My gosh,” I chuckled, “You're so beautiful you made me forget my pickup line.”
I facepalmed myself out of embarrassment, while Leafy was laughing it off.

“Don’t worry about it, Fireman. Save it for the wedding, dear,” She said.
“Thanks,” I replied.

“Soooooo can we help?” Gelatin exclaimed. Both Leafy and I jumped back in fear, and realized that Gelatin, Flower, and Teardrop were in hiding, eavesdropping in our conversation.

“Long enough, we can help y’know,” Flower answered back.
“Well, we could use some extra hands, if that’s okay with you.” Leafy said.
“Good enough for me! Gelly boy, Water Girl, it’s time for Operation: Fireafy!”

To be continued…

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