Chapter XII: Speech Cleaning

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(A.N: See what I did there? Speech Cleaning = Spring Cleaning. Eh, eh? I'm not intentionally funny)

Blocky's P.O.V:

Thank god we have a free day. I need to finalize my speech. All I had on my desk was a lot of flashcards filling up my space and trash can. I placed both of my hands on my head then slapped them both on my table. These last two weeks have been extremely stressful. Only Firey, Taco, and maybe Leafy know my problem. How can I write a good speech and in-directly confess to him?? STOP BEING SUCH A WIMP YOU IDIOT- "Blocky?"

I heard Taco call out. I sighed and yelled back, "It's open!" She opened the door and placed down a grocery bag. "I got the snacks you asked me to buy." She said pointing at the bag and subconsciously looking at my desk filled with flashcards. "Is...umm...I-Is that y-your speech?!" She exclaimed in shock. I opened my eyes and shushed her; not letting him hear me. She gave me a smug expression and whispered for my sake, "Don't worry. Woody's not here right now. I asked him to get me something from Yellow Face's Wearhouse." I sighed in relief as I slumped back down to the ground.

I was holding three specific cards that I was genuinely proud of and was planning to actually say them on the actual wedding day. The first one was the TV joke, the second one was old memories that Firey mentioned, and the third one...well, I was staring at it. Taco took a peek just like Balloony did and her jaw dropped. I raised my eyebrow as I asked her, "What?" She started to laugh and exclaim, "YO-YOU'RE ACTUALLY SAYING THAT?! HAHAHA-" She kept laughing as I grabbed the nearest pen I could find and gently threw it to her face. "Oh, c'mon Blockster, y'know I was joking. It's really good. Cheesy, but good!" Great. The last thing I want this speech to be was cleché. I looked at my note one more time before crumpling the paper in anger and throwing it on my closed door.

"...Okay, that just happened..." She said blankly. She turned around, only to see me laying down to the ground instead of sitting up. "Who? Would've. Thought. That writing is extremely difficult?!" I groaned in irritation. She ticked and got up from her spot. "Let's go." She said in a commanding voice. I shook my head and reminded her that I needed to write something decent. "You've worked hard enough. Time to take a break, maybe you'll find or come up with something else to write later." She persuaded me. I begrudgingly got up and made my way to unlock my door.

As soon as I unlocked the door...Woody was on the other side...WAIT WOODY?! "Woody?! What are you doing here so early?!" Taco asked him as she perked up from behind me. "I got the wackage. It's won (On) the wicken wonter (Kitchen Counter). Go check!" All three of us got out of the hallway near my room and confirmed that Taco's package was here. "Awesome, thanks Woody!" Taco happily remarked. "I'm going to open this in my room. Could you two clean up the house a bit please?" I nodded. Even though I don't like cleaning, it could be...kind of nice to get my mind off of things.

I opened the bottom of the sink's cabinets and got out a Windex Spray and a cloth, while Woody was organizing the couch and coffee table. We were both working silently and awkwardly, to the point where we didn't even notice that we were in the same room. While I was wiping the windows, in the reflection...I saw him. He was humming merrily to himself as he was rearranging the coffee table. I was staring at him like a kicked puppy in an alleyway. He looks so innocent and...ugh...adorable. BUT! I have to get to work. I kept wiping...mostly the parts where he was on the reflection.

Now, I only had one last window to spray and wipe. I looked up and it was my bedroom window. I climbed on top of my bed and finished up the last window. I wiped one section of it and stared at my own reflection. 'What am I doing to myself? I'm such a loser...' I thought as I tried to wipe my own reflection away. It didn't. I sadly sighed and tried to get off, but accidentally bumped my leg on the wall and managed to fall down head first. "OWCH!" I yelled out in pain. Just as I said that, Woody rushed over and snatched a First-Aid kit I kept near my front door. "Where does it hurt? A-And are wou (You) okay?!" He asked in a panic as he was searching for a compression bandage. "M-My right an-ankle..." I whimpered quietly. I extended my leg a little bit, not before getting a very sharp sting from there that traveled through my body to my brain.

He found the bandage and proceeded to wrap it around my injured area. I felt his hand touching my leg's skin. It felt a bit cold, but my leg heat managed to balance it a bit. I got up after he treated my ankle while holding on to my wall for support. "Can you walk?" He asked in fear. I let go of my wall and walked slowly for a few moments. I felt like I was going to fall down again due to the pain of walking on top of my injured ankle. I white lied to Woody saying; "I can m-manage. Don't worry!" He didn't look convinced and placed me down on my bed. "Feel better. Rest." He said in a comforting tone.

I couldn't really do anything, but nod and lay down back first. I barely saw it, but from what I can remember is Woody picking up a paper, hopefully not the speech. A few minutes later, I received a text message from the groom himself saying that practices and semi-preparations are tomorrow. All I can hope for is to feel slightly better, otherwise, I can kiss my chance of confession good-bye. I heard my door burst open with Taco panicking around my room.

"OH MY GOSH, ARE YOU OKAY?! I knew I should've watched you! I just KNEW it!" I perked up and tried to calm her down. "Woah, woah, easy Taco. I'm fine. Really." She sighed and asked with a slight worrisome tone in her voice, "Are you sure? The wedding is around the corner; you think you'll feel better in time?" I shrugged and replied, "I guess we'll see..." She nodded, but not before snatching what looked like my speech to Woody. "I'll take this, thank you!" And dashed off my room while laughing. "Wha-HEY!" Knowing full well that I can't walk...




She's both a mother and an annoying sister at the same time...>:[

[To Be Continued...]


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