Chapter II: Plans (Invites & Roles)

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Leafy's P.O.V:

Me, Flower, Lollipop, Teardrop, and Ruby all helped me with all of the bride related stuff, and also helped me with the guest list as well!

"Okay, are you sure you want to invite; Bubble, Match, Pencil, Pin, Blocky, Woody, Teardrop, Snowball, Rocky, Tenisball, Golfball, Needle, Spongy, Ice Cube, David, Pen, Eraser, and Coiny?" Ruby asked.

"Yep! And could you add everyone else in here. Like Gelatin, you, Taco, Lollipop-"

"-AHEM! Don't even! I won't come," Lollipop said bitterly.

"Why not Lolli'?" Flower asked her girlfriend. (A.N: Yes I'm a Flowpop and Flowuby shipper)

"Honestly, I don't think that weddings are that important. I mean, we already know that you and Firey are married, so why need a party to celebrate it? It just feels like you're forcing someone just to show off," Lollipop responded.

Oh wow. I haven't thought about it that way.

Am I just forcing everyone to come?

"You okay, Leafy?" Ruby asked. Looks like she noticed.

"Am I actually forcing myself to do this?"

"What?! No, of course not! Look, how about this, anyone that can come, they can come, but anyone who doesn't want to come doesn't have to. Sounds good?" Flower suggested.

"Hmmm, fine. Let's do it," Lollipop agreed.

Teardrop hopped in and gave me the invitation illustration;

[Insert Invitation Design Here]

"I love it! Thanks for designing it, TD!" I exclaimed happily. Teardrop is a great artist.

"Okay, I'm done writing the guest list!"

"Good job, Ruby! Now let's talk about the...[Clears Throat] 'after' place."

"Uhh, what's an 'after' place, Flower?"

"An 'after' place is do I say this-"

"-Your honeymoon," Lollipop finished.

"Wait what?!" I was blushing intensely. Why in the world would they do that?! As if I needed a reminder-


[Meanwhile with the dudes]:

Firey's P.O.V:

Geez, I really hope Leafy is having a better planning group than I do right now...


"B-But Blocky, you've drowned Firey a million times and besides, unlike you, I have experience in formation of being a best man," Spongy retaliated.

"That [Face Slap] ONE experience you had was your sister's wedding, and she was desperate for goodness sake!"

"So what? Everyone was moved by my speech I made, and besides, Firey and I went way back!"

"Uhh actually, not really-"

"Can it, Gelatin!"

"[Scoffs], says the contrarian, am I right?"

"Blocky, that wasn't nice!"

"Oh shut it, Spongy!"

Oh boy. Who should I pick? Hmm.

"Sorry Spongy, but I chose Blocky. Hope you understand, but if you want you can be the ring barrier!" I offered.

"I'll take it! Thank you, Firey!" Spongy happily replied.


"Yeah, congratulations dude!"

"Why are you saying 'congratulations'? You're the one getting married!" Blocky joked, but I can tell he was excited. "And don't worry about the rings! I solemnly swear that I won't lose them," Spongy said. Which made me feel a lot better than before. Sure there's a lot of preparation, but this is a good start.

"Umm, what can I do?" Gelatin asked.

"Hmm. Well how about...oh! You and Teardrop can come with Leafy and I to pick and choose our ring?"

"M-Me and TD?" Gelatin was starting to blush. His crush with Teardrop was so obvious. When will he ever get the courage to confess to her?

"Yeah. Unless there's a problem?"

"Nono! No problems, hehe. W-We can come," Gelatin nervously answered.


[Back with the Ladies]:

Leafy's P.O.V:

"So, what do we do about the wedding cake?" Flower asked.

"Well, my good friend Pin is an excellent baker! I can call and ask her if she can make a little something," I actively remembered. So without wasting any time, Ruby fetched an Ipad and I facetimed Pin.

"Hey Pin!"

"*Gasp* Hi Leafy! How are you, it's been so long!"

"Well, I have some news~"

"Spill the tea, L!"

"Y'know me and Firey, right?"

"Yeah! You guys were dating-



[Insert girly/fangirling squealing here]

"So, what can I do to help if I can? A-Also am I invited?"

"Firstly, OF COURSE BESTIE! Secondly, yeah, can you make a wedding cake for me?"

"YAY! And yes!"


"Who else is invited?"

"You'll see! I'm sending the invitations after planning!"

"Okay can't wait! I'll leave you to it!"

"Bye Pin!"

"Bye Leafy!"

"OMG, OMG! I can't wait! Wait-who's going to be the maid of honor?" Ruby asked.

"Ruby? Would you like to be the maid of honor?" I asked her. She's been very excited and extremely helpful for this wedding, so her role would be perfect.

"Oh my gumdrop, YES! Thank you so much!"

"Congratulations on the role, Ruby!"

"Thank you, Flower!"

Now...who should be the flower girl? Well not Flower, she's the one who'll find my wedding dress so...


Teardrop was writing something in paper and showed message;

'Can I be the Flower Girl? (If Flower doesn't mind of course)'

"You took the words out of my mouth! Yes TD!"


After talking for a while, I heard my phone vibrate.

"Who texted?" Lollipop asked.

"It's Firey. He said it's almost time for us to go."

"Go where?!"

"Calm down, Ruby. I'm sure she has her reasons."

"Indeed I do, 'Flow! We're picking out our rings! And TD is coming with us!"

"Well, we wouldn't want to be spoiled, so be on your merry way, and Teardrop, don't forget about tonight's movie night!" (A.N: There will be a connecting story about the movie night)


[To be continued...] 

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