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Blaze's arm was hooked into mine as we left the large stone shrine-like thing.

She was arguing over something with Caspian and Silver was trying to get them to calm down.

"It was your idea to bring her back!!" Spat Blaze.

"Do you think I choose to look into the oracles of death?!? The ocean told me to bring back someone important and now we're here with her!" Shouted Caspian.

I wasn't listening very much.
I looked over at Silver and thought of Shadow.
I bet they would have been friends...

"Mm....I miss Shadow..." I mumbled.

Blaze and Caspian both shut up.

"You remember Shadow?" Asked Caspian, her glass eye staring right at me.

"Shadow was my brother...he took care of me on the you know him?" I asked, suddenly getting some hope that someone I knew would be around.

"Sure, he's the son of a bitch that-"

Blaze cleared her throat and Caspian went silent.

"Yes we know Shadow, although...he's probably still at work right?" Asked Blaze, looking over at Silver.

"Yeah, I can get him though!" Said Silver.

"No, no, we'll get him later. Let's head to Amy's house, we need to get Maria some clothes." Blaze said.

I realized why they had a blanket wrapped around me. I did not have any clothes on.
I let out a small shriek at the realization and pulled the blanket around me even tighter.

"Don't worry Robotnik, we'll be at Rose's place in a minute." Said Caspian, getting a large blue Diamond looking gem out of her pack.
"You guys ready?" She asked.

Blaze clutched onto me.
"Don't freak out." She whispered.

Caspian lifted the emerald into the air and then shouted "CHAOS CONTROL!"

Light swallowed us up, and then I opened my eyes and we weren't facing stone and grass anymore. Instead we were in front of a quaint little cottage.
It had a welcome mat and a small little garden filled with roses.

"W-where, how?!?" I gasped, looking around.

"It's basically teleporting, that's what you humans call it right?" Asked Caspian.

"She's not human anymore Caspian. But yes that's what they call it." Said Blaze.

"Cool, anyways here we are. Amy Rose's humble abode." Caspian said sarcastically.

"Sorry about her, she's been through hell and back so she's a bit snippy to people she's just met." Mumbled Silver to me.

"I understand." I said, nodding.

Blaze let go of me and walked up to the door, knocking on the gold knocker.

There was a shuffle of feet then it opened to reveal another hedgehog. She had on a redish pink outfit, and short pink hair. She had forest green eyes and a peach muzzle and arms. A red headband pushed back her hair.

"Blaze! How are you?" She squealed, hugging Blaze.

"Good Ames, but listen we need some help." Blaze said, patting her on the back.

"Sure what's up- oh hi Caspian! Hey Silver! Hey- oh wait, I don't think I know you!" She said, our eyes meeting.
"Is she hurt? Is that why you brought her here?" Asked Amy.

"No, we'll explain, can you just let us in Amy?" Asked Blaze.

Amy looked a little concerned but let us in anyways.
We walked inside and she led us to a living room past pictures.
There were pictures of her with others. I didn't study them too hard but I could have sworn I saw familiar red and black in one of the pictures.

We all sat down, and I was squished between Blaze and Silver. Caspian sat on a recliner, glaring at the outside.

"Now, what seems to be the matter?" Asked Amy.

"Well this may sound crazy Ames but then again we've all seen some crazy stuff in our lives. So recently, Caspian got a astral message from the death oracles of the ocean. They told her that someone needed to be brought back or else something would collapse. She got this weird sea glass stone from it and since Silver and I both have advanced levels in magia, we helped her revive the person. And this is her..." said Blaze, lightly patting me on the back.

Amy's green eyes grew wide and she looked at me with sympathy.
"Oh you poor thing! You're probably so confused! I wonder how long she's been dead..." Said Amy.

"We know how long she's been dead, Amy. 60 years. And we know who she is." Said Blaze.

Amy stared at Blaze like she was thinking then I could see a lightbulb go off in her head.

"Oh. My. Chaos. She's, she's..."

"Maria. She's Maria, Amy. The Maria, the one Shadow mourns to this day." Said Blaze.

"Shadow's been mourning me?" I asked, feeling groggy but awake enough to talk.

"Yeah, you're probably the whole reason he's a huge pain in the ass." Growled Caspian.

"What?" I asked, a little annoyed. I didn't like how she spoke about Shadow.
"Shadow isn't a pain! He's sweet and caring and patient! Something a lot of people lack!"

Caspian glared at me and I sunk into the couch, trying to hide myself between Blaze and Silver.

"She doesn't really like Shadow, sorry bout' that Maria." Said Amy.

"Nevermind, back to the topic at hand. This is the Maria Robotnik that Shadow talks about to us. His adopted sister who has been dead for 60 years. We brought her a hedgehog somehow..." Blaze said.

"Goodness, Shadow's already 75...time flies by fast..." I sighed.

"Actually he just turned 25." Said Blaze.

"Wait what?" I asked.

"Basically when you shot him down to earth, he was in hypersleep for around 50 years and it was around 10 years ago that he was woke up. So he didn't age at all for the time he was in hyper sleep." Explained Blaze.

I nodded, listening to Blaze.
I gasped realizing he might be somewhere nearby.

"Is he around here?!? Can I see him?!?" I gasped, standing up too fast.
My knees buckled and I fell over but Amy caught me.

"Woah girl! Careful! You've only just come back from the dead..." Amy gasped, helping me back onto the couch.

"You can see him soon, we just need to get you clothes." Said Blaze.

I looked down at the blanket that was covering me.

"Yeah that sounds good." I mumbled.

Maria Robotnik, the hedgehog Where stories live. Discover now