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Amy took me upstairs and gave me some clothes to wear temporarily while she found a solid outfit for me.

I pulled on everything and now I was sitting on Amy's bed next to Blaze as the pink hedgehog looked through the closet.

I noticed a full length mirror in the room and walked up to it.
I was now...what did Blaze tell me it was? Mobian? Right, right.

I was now a blonde mobian hedgehog, I still had my blue eyes and long blonde hair, but now I was a lot furrier and pawed.

"It feels...oddly comforting being the same species as Shadow..." I said, looking at my outstretched arm.

"I wasn't expecting you to come back as a hedgehog, then again I wasn't expecting anything at all. It's strange seem like you're the same age when you died, but why are you a mobian?" Hummed Blaze.

"Maybe it's just fate!" Said Amy. "Shadow's been through a lot and so the universe decides to make him happy and bring back his sister! And to top it off now they're the same species so they don't look awkward as siblings!"

"I don't think that's how it works, Amy, dear." Said Blaze.

"Yeah but it's still nice to think of it that way!" Amy chirped, placing a kiss on Blaze's forehead.

I didn't know they were in love. Then again I had never met a romantic couple before.

"Here Maria, try this on, I tried to find something comfortable and possibly familiar to you." Amy said, handing me two pairs of clothing.
"The bathroom is right here!"

She opened a door in her room and it was a connecting bathroom.

"Thank You, Miss Rose." I said, bowing politely.

"Oh no need for formality, you can call me Amy! Now go ahead!" She said, letting me in.

I walked inside and changed out of the loose shirt Amy had me in originally.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a minute. There was a small darker spot on my stomach that I hadn't noticed.
It was right on my chest, and I realized something.

It's from when I got shot...

I pulled on the top which was a cozy black turtleneck, and then the bottoms which was a blue skirt and white leggings.
I left the bathroom trying not to think about the memory of the gunfire.

"Eeee! You look great!" Squealed Amy, hugging me tightly.

"T-thanks!" I said with a smile.

It felt so strange to be feeling actual emotions again.
The darkness was all I knew for so long that I almost forgot how to socialize.

"Caspian and Silver said they would go get Shadow soon, so we're meeting them up somewhere and he'll be with them." Said Blaze.

I looked at the ground nervously, my thoughts racing.

"What if...Shadow doesn't recognize me? What if he thinks we're playing some sick joke on him and he gets angry?" I asked. "What if, what if I don't recognize him?!? I-I-"

"Maria, calm down and breathe." Said Amy sweetly. "Shadow misses you so much, you don't even know how many times we've had to comfort him over your loss. He'll recognize you, trust me."

I sighed and nodded.

"Great! Now let's go!" Said Amy, taking my hand and running.

I tried to keep up with her as we ran downstairs and she tossed me a pair of black flats.

"Here put these on! Hopefully you're around the same shoe size as me."

I glanced at them then pulled them onto my pawed feet.
They fit well.

"Where are we meeting up with them?" I asked.

"At gold-rings point! It's this super cool and scenic garden tower! Me and Blaze like to go there a lot." Chuckled Amy, slightly blushing and glancing at her girlfriend.

"Sounds lovely!" I said.

"Here! Come on! Lets go!" Said Amy, taking mine and Blaze's hand.

"Alright, Alright, I'm moving love." Laughed Blaze.

We started moving through a city full of mobians. I had never seen this many people before! Mobian or not, it was a wonder!

"Alright! It's just this way and then we'll take a trolley down to it!" Said Amy as we turned a corner.

We then hopped on a trolley and rode through the red brick streets.
I stuck my head out the window as we slowly moved along. Blaze and Amy chatting and laughing.

I could feel my eyes widen as I took in the diverse world around me.
Earth was no longer a dream from above! I was finally here!

"It's so beautiful..."

Maria Robotnik, the hedgehog Where stories live. Discover now