Part 1 - Aftermath

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Author's Note: Omega's thoughts about Cut and Suu were meant to imply she has no idea what their relationship really is, not anything about. Ugh. Her and Echo. ;__; Just to make that clear lol

I might be wrong, but I think the art on the front cover was drawn by @lgpvintage on Instagram. :)

This is for Febuwhump Day Fifteen: "Who Did This To You?"

PS. This is a gift for ProwlingThunder on ao3. 

~ Rivana Rita

It started as just a normal day in the lives of Echo and Omega – okay, no. That's a lie. It didn't.

It started with Order 66, and Omega's mind is still reeling. Echo is furious about it, and frankly, so is Omega. They worked closely with Anakin Skywalker. She knows he's not a traitor. He would never commit treason.

Omega explains to Echo about the inhibitor chips, though she really doesn't know why Echo's isn't working and everyone else's are. Something about being injured on Skako Minor is her guess.

Then, they hear an announcement of how the Republic is an Empire, which neither of them is any happier about.

Omega takes them to the cafeteria hall where many of the younger clones eat. They're a little out of place here, but Omega's seventeen. She's the oldest clone there is – the oldest ones in action, anyway, are thirteen. She doesn't fit in anywhere. After being on the fronts so long, she wanted some real food enough to dare venturing out here, and the cadets are often less annoying than the older clones.

They're walking together, hands interlinked the way they often are, because Omega has always been prone for physical contact even if Echo still finds it odd, when a flying tray sails past Echo's head.

Omega jerks to a stop, staring, scanning the room for the source of the ruckus. She knew they were walking into some sort of fight, but the source of the disturbance is far easier to pinpoint than she thought.

There's four of them, and they stick out well because they look so different. Just like – like the little brothers she knew so many years ago, that she thought she'd never see again.

Three's size is the same, though they're supposed to be older. Many of the clones were put in statis when the operation got temporarily paused. Omega had no idea how old her brothers were, or if they made it. She hadn't heard or seen anything of them in years, and when she grew up, she didn't have... anyone. Not until Echo joined her.

Omega looks up at Echo, who sighs. "Better step in," he suggests.

"I was gonna say the same thing," Omega replies, and they move in together.

Three is trying to bite somebody's head, and Omega half wants to laugh, but there's a whole roomful of other clones here, and her brothers don't stand a chance against them all. She's not about to let them get hurt.

Echo attempts to pry Three out of the others, which is hard when he's so big, and Omega goes after the others. She grabs the Two's tunic – that is Two, right? They're so old now, it's hard to tell them apart, though his skin was lighter than One's, so she thinks he's the same – and hauls him back, ignoring his ungraceful yelp and flailing. He tries to pry her grip off, and Omega yanks him closer, grabbing one-handedly for Four – there's no question which he is. His gray hair is falling in short, messy curls across his forehead. He growls when she grabs him, and Omega leverages herself backwards to avoid getting stepped on. He tries to bite her arm, but she's in her armor, so he just hits her vambrace.

"Come on!" Omega yells, irritated, "Stop it! Stand down!"

One stands, wiping his face off on his sleeve, looking up at her. The rest of the cadets are standing sullenly, glaring.

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