3| Evelyn Stone

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Present Hannah's POV 

"I love weekends!" Vanessa exclaimed, "Especially since we're in a boarding school."

"Yeah!" Charlotte exclaimed, "It's like a two day sleepover."

"I finished showering so it's your turn, Charlotte," Lilith said as she walked out of the bathroom.

Charlotte went into the shower and I turned to face Vanessa, "Your hair clip is so pretty, where did you get it?"

"I got it when I went to Norway during summer vacation," she smiled, "I play violin so I thought getting a music note clip would be cute."

The smile on my face quickly faded as I focused on the hair clip, "It reminds me of my brother a little."

She pulled me into a hug, "I'm so sorry, Hannah."

"It's fine," I assured her, "It was just a random thought."

"Don't you miss your brother?" Vanessa said as she brushed her hair, "You barely talk about him but ever since his death, you haven't been the same."

I could hear the faint sound of Charlotte blow drying her hair in the bathroom. I missed my brother more than anyone would ever know but I hated talking about it.

"I think about him from time to time," I lied. I thought about him way more than that but she didn't need to know that. I thought about the smile on his face as he uttered the words, "It's showtime, Hannah."

I could remember his unhappy smile as he said those words. I could tell that he didn't want to go on stage and perform. He never liked playing piano. And if he did, he surely didn't act like it. He would sometimes say things like "I'm going to be a star," but I knew that he wanted to be a star to show others how great he could be and to show his past piano teachers what they had lost. He wanted to be a star to show himself off, he didn't want to be a star because he truly wanted to be one.

"Did you check any of the notebooks in his locker? I'm pretty sure that they didn't clear his locker despite it being like what, a year?" Vanessa stated, "Maybe you'll find something."

"He kept a diary. He was always scribbling whatever in it but I never read it."

"What are you waiting for!? What if it mentions the murderer?"

"I doubt he knew anything about the person planning it. If someone was planning his murder right in front of him, he'd be too oblivious."

"You never know, check the diary!"

I rushed down the stairs. It was late and if a teacher saw me, I'd be dead meat.

Slowly, I input the locker code, 19-85-52. My brother had changed his locker code last minute for some reason so I had to look through our old messages.

It hurt a lot to look through our old messages now that he was gone.

We both knew each other's locker codes just in case one of us fell sick. The other sibling would have to bring their books or binders for them.

The locker opened and I searched through it. Calculus textbooks, English textbooks, and history textbooks were all I could see before I found the diary hidden under a pile of sweaters.

I picked it up and put in our birthday. Nothing.

I tried his locker code. Nothing.

I locked his locker and an envelope fell out of the diary. Letters from the names Vanessa, Evelyn, Lilith, Marc and Katherine were all stuffed into it.

I knew exactly where I was going to start. I was going to find out who killed my brother. I didn't care if it was the last thing I did. I had been trying to find out who killed him ever since he died and those letters brought me a step closer.

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