Special: Valentine's Day

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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! So yeah, I figured making a special one shot for here!

Liam could hardly contain himself, already rethinking about the plan that he had for today. Today was Valentine's Day, and he had a surprise in mind for his partner, Bryce. He was currently still at work, and would be home in a few hours, which was perfect, because that gave Liam all the time he needed.

He went over towards the table, lifting up the laptop. "Hey Texty...?", he asked, looking at the screen. 'Yeah? What's up?', a text-to-speech voice said. "Okay, since today's a pretty special day, I figured you'd help me with something." 'And...that is?' Liam smiled a little. "I figured you help me get a reservation at this one restaurant. I mean, I want to treat Bryce to a nice dinner later on.", he explained. 'Ah, I see. Okay, just tell me which one.', Texty said. After they made the reservation, Liam sat up, getting his coat. It was still a bit cold out, so he needed the extra warmth.

'Where are you going?', asked Texty. "I'm going down to the store to get a little extra something.", Liam said, pulling his coat on. "See you in a bit..", he said, closing the door and locking it.

Entering one of the local corner stores, Liam wandered down the isles, until he eventually found what he was looking for. He took them up to the counter, paid, and left. As he walked back to the hotel, he checked his watch, only about one hour left before Bryce comes back. Good. It was already close to the evening, the sunlight bathing onto the buildings around him.

Walking back inside the apartment, he put the stuff he bought into a red paper bag, before hiding it somewhere. "There...now I just have to wait..", he mumbled, sitting down onto the couch. He figured he'd watch some TV while he waits.

Bryce just finished work, getting into his car. It had been pretty boring if he was going to be honest. But he was just glad to finally go home, and spend the rest of the day with Liam. Before he and Liam were together, he didn't really care that much about Valentine's Day, he just saw it as another day, to just go on about his daily life. Although, often at times he felt annoyed seeing the large amount of couples everywhere, kissing, hugging, giggling with each other, it was just something that he'd scoff at. But now that he had someone who cared about him, well, he supposed it wasn't that bad.

As he drove down the road, he thought about what they'd probably do once he gets home. Perhaps they just stay at the apartment, maybe have a nice dinner, and cuddle in the bed. Whatever it is, he smiled, thinking about Liam. He was already feeling a bit exhausted, so the thought of just cuddling up against him was already making his grin larger. Finally, he parked in the lot, getting out.

Liam heard the door click, and he turned his head around, now starting to get up. The door opened, and Bryce entered the room. Without wasting any time, Liam ran over to him, smothering him into a tight hug. Bryce cried out, but then laughed, putting his arms around him as well. "Hey, hon! You had a good day?", Liam asked, smiling. "Eh, it was alright. How are you, love?", Bryce asked back, the two pulling away. "Pretty good..", he replied, before the two leaned in, giving each other a quick peck on the lips. "It sounds like you're pretty tired..", Liam said, looking at Bryce's half-lidded eyelids. "Yeah...I think I'll go lie down for a bit..", he said, walking towards the bed. "Okay...uh...", Liam looked down. "What?", Bryce asked, turning around. "Mind if I join you?", he asked, a little bit of red tinting his face. Bryce smiled a little. "Sure...why not?", he said, shrugging. Liam soon followed him.

Changing out of his work clothes, and into a T-shirt, Bryce flopped onto the bed, Liam soon doing the same. He let out a small grunt as his body practically slammed onto the bed. Soon, he wrapped his arms around Bryce, smiling at him. Bryce smiled back, reaching up one of his hands, placing it into Liam's curly hair. If there was one thing he loved doing with Liam, it was playing with his hair. Feeling his hand around the other's head, he started gently tugging around at his curls. Liam smiled as he felt the contact, he loved how Bryce was always gentle with his hair when it came to playing with it. After stretching one up in the air, he let it go, the curl bouncing back onto Liam's head. That was the other thing he loved about his hair. It was just so bouncy when it did that.

Liam laughed a little, burying his face into Bryce's chest. The other soon stopped, taking his hands away from his hair, wrapping his arms around Liam's body. The two then slowly closed their eyes, the sound that they could hear was each other's breathing. As Bryce was already drifting off, Liam took a little longer, listening to his partner's heartbeat through his chest.

Liam's eyes fluttered open. Looking up, he saw that Bryce was still asleep, quietly snoring away. He smiled, then remembering the little bag that he intended to give to him later on. Liam slightly wiggled out of Bryce's arms, trying his best not to wake him up. As he sat up, Bryce mumbled as he turned a bit in his sleep. Liam chuckled watching the sight, before getting up and going to the kitchen. He found the bag, picking it up, and walking back to the bed. Looking at the alarm clock, it seemed like they had only slept for about two hours, so they didn't miss much of the day. Liam sat down on the bed, placing the bag down beside it, and looked over at Bryce. He saw the man's eyes start to slowly open as well, and he turned around, now staring up at the ceiling.

"Liam....hey, how long were we out...?", he asked, his jaw gaping open with a yawn. "Only a couple of hours..", he replied, smiling. Bryce slowly sat up, shaking his head a bit, his long red hair whipping around his face. Liam took the time to bend down a bit, picking up the small bag. Bryce noticed, a curious look on his face. "What's that?", he asked, and Liam smiled a bit more. "Oh, it's just a little something I picked up before you came home..", he said, handing it over to Bryce. Taking the bag, Bryce reached inside, shocked at what he pulled out.

Inside, there were two boxes of chocolates, although one of them had different kinds of fillings in them. The other thing that was inside was those classic candy hearts. "Woah...Liam..", he started, looking up at him. Even if he didn't really care that much for sweets, he still was touched by the gift. "That's not all!", Liam said, causing Bryce's eyes to widen. Wait, there's more? "I made...well with Texty's help, I made a reservation at a restaurant, I figured we could have a nice dinner tonight!", Liam exclaimed. Bryce gasped. He..he didn't really know what to say. Liam got him all this, and yet...he didn't really have anything to give in return.

Bryce frowned a little, feeling like he owed Liam something in return. Liam noticed his expression, and got a little worried. "Bryce? Do..do you not like it? If you didn't want to go to dinner..", he started, but Bryce quickly put his hands up. "No, no! I...really appreciate what you're doing...it's just...I didn't even get anything for you...", he said. A small "oh", escaped Liam's lips. "I mean...you just got me this stuff...and..a reservation to a restaurant! And what do I have in return? Nothing...", Bryce was starting to feel like he was a bad boyfriend, he couldn't at least stop by at a store and give Liam something.

However, his eyes widened when he felt Liam wrap his arms around him. Liam buried his face into Bryce's shoulder. He couldn't see Liam's face, but the other was smiling. "Bryce...it's okay..I don't mind that you didn't get anything for me. I mean, you let me nap with you, plus, we get to have dinner together! Well, we always have dinner together...but my point is, I really don't care if you don't have anything to give me, this is our day, to spend time with each other, and eating with you at a restaurant, is all I could ever ask for!", Liam finished, looking up at him. Bryce had a look of shock, but he slowly smiled too. "A..alright then.."

The two leaned in, planting a kiss onto each other's lips. They stayed like that for a while, wrapping their arms around, and feeling them around their bodies. Finally, they pulled away for air, smiling gently at each other. "Happy Valentine's Day, Bryce...I love you so much..",Liam said quietly. "I love you too, love...", Bryce said back. "Now how about we go and get ready?", Liam suggested, and Bryce nodded.

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