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TW: Mentions of drowning, trauma, plus some swearing

Liam felt himself submerged in water. He panicked, he had to get out of there, as quickly as he could. He didn't want to look down, but he did anyway. He saw the deep abyss, no sand, no ground. He quickly swam up, seeing the light above him. Bubbles rose from his mouth and nose, as he felt like he couldn't hold his breath any longer. Just as the water was about to enter his nose, his head snapped out of the water. Liam gasped for air, swiftly kicking his legs to keep himself from sinking down. He searched around, it was raining as well. It was also really foggy, he couldn't see any ships or birds flying from above.

As he turned his head, he saw a beach, although due to the foggy atmosphere and gray sky, it looked so dull. It didn't feel welcoming to him at all, but it's what was standing there that caught his eye. It was a figure, but he couldn't quite make it out. Liam swam towards the beach, squinting his eyes, trying to get a better focus of whatever was standing there. Suddenly, the figure started to look more familiar to him, he saw that it was wearing a blue beanie and....a light blue hoodie with a red

It was Bryce!

Liam felt a sense of relief come over him, getting closer and closer towards the beach. "Bryce! Hey, Bryce!", he called, waving one of his arms in the air, hoping he'd get his attention. But..Bryce ignored him. Or at least, it seemed like he didn't hear him? But he was so close too..."Bryce? Can you hear me?", Liam called again. Once again, Bryce didn't react, nor turn around. Liam felt his heart sink a little. What was going on? As he was about to reach the beach, he suddenly felt something snag his leg. He looked down in alarm, but couldn't really see what was grabbing him. All he could see was an arm. He gasped, thrashing around, but the arm's grip was too tight. "LET GO OF ME!", he cried, suddenly feeling another arm grab his other leg. They were starting to pull him down. Oh god...Liam knew where this was going...they were going to pull him back into the water...

"BRYCE! BRYCE! HELP!", he called out, continuing to struggle keeping his head above the water. The arms started to pull a bit tighter, with a third one coming out of nowhere and gripping onto the other arm, helping it pull him down. "BRYCE! BRYCE PLEASE! HELP ME!", Liam cried, tears starting to form in his eyes. This time, Bryce actually did turn around, but instead of the worried look Liam expected, he instead gave him the most disgusted look ever. "Br..Bryce?", he stammered nervously. It seemed like everything stopped at once, even the arms seemed to stop pulling him down.

"You really think I'm going to help you? Please, you're nothing but a fucking waste of existence. All you do is sit around in my apartment, doing nothing important. You're so annoying, I wish I never even met you!", Bryce said to Liam, glaring down at him. Liam gasped, the tears rolling down his cheeks. "Br..Bryce....", he started. "I regret letting you in my apartment, you're just a burden towards me. Hell, Texty's more useful than you, and they don't even move around! You're just a pathetic piece of shit...", Bryce finished, turning around, starting to walk away. The arms then resumed pulling Liam down into the water. "BRYCE! NO! BRYCE COME BACK!", he shouted, but nothing happened. How could he say that? This couldn't be real...this just...couldn't be real...

As Liam felt himself now being dragged down deeper into the water, and seeing that Bryce has now faded into the fog, he could hear something. It sounded like someone was calling out his name, although very quietly. It then kept getting louder and louder, as he sank deeper. Liam shut his eyes tight, before...

"Liam! Liam! Wake up!"

Liam gasped, sitting up, looking around, before realizing what just happened. He turned to see Bryce...the real Bryce...looking at him with worry in his eyes, his hands on Liam's shoulders. Liam felt tears well up in his eyes, now slipping down his cheeks. He hiccupped, before letting out a sob. Bryce instantly wrapped his arms around him, letting Liam rest his head in the crook of his neck. "'s okay love...I'm's was only a dream..", he whispered, stroking his back. Liam continued to sob against his shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut, gripping his arms around Bryce. "'re okay...everything's okay now...", he continued, swaying back and forth.

After a few minutes, Liam calmed down, pulling away from Bryce. "Do you feel a little better?", Bryce quietly asked, gently wiping away his tears. Liam sniffled, nodding a bit. " wanna talk about it? Or...should I go get you something to drink?", he asked, cupping Liam's cheek. "M..milk would be nice...I guess..", Liam said, and Bryce nodded. "Wait right here, I'll be right back.", he said, getting up to go to the mini-fridge. Liam stared at the wall, letting out a large exhale. Thank god that was just a dream...ever since he's gotten back, he's been getting several nightmares about water, or the plane. It was pretty annoying to deal with, the very least, he had Bryce.

Bryce came back with a glass of milk, handing it to Liam. He took it, drinking it, as Bryce sat back down. After finishing the milk, he handed the empty glass to Bryce, who just put it on his nightstand. "So...wanna tell me what it was about?", Bryce asked again, and Liam nodded, grabbing his hand. "I...I had another dream where I was in an ocean...these arms were pulling down...but the worst part was...", he stopped, fresh tears starting to well up. Bryce squeezed his hand, giving him a reassuring look. "You...were there...and...I called to you at first...but you didn't listen...and when I was being pulled told me I was just...a..a waste of existence..", he continued, looking at Bryce's face, who had a look of horror on his face.

"You also called me annoying...and...a burden...and a...pathetic piece of....shit...and then you left, leaving me to get pulled underwater...", he finished, now feeling the tears roll down once again. He felt a hand on his face, in which Bryce turned his head to look him in the eyes. Bryce looked at him with a mix of sympathy and shock, and kissed him on the lips. "Liam...I would never do know I love you so much..", he reassured, again wiping his tears off his face. "You are defiantly not a burden towards me. I love you're company here. I don't know what caused you're mind to come up with that dream, but like I said, I would never, ever do that to you...", he said, wrapping his arms around Liam's body. Liam smiled a little, sniffling. He wrapped his arms around Bryce as well, and the two came closer into a hug.

"Th..thanks, Bryce...", Liam quietly said, burying his face into Bryce's chest. "You're welcome...I love you honey...", he said, planting a kiss onto Liam's hair. "I love you too...", he replied, looking up at him, smiling. The two pulled apart, before leaning again to kiss each other. " feel okay now?", Bryce asked, and Liam slowly nodded. " you think we can go back to sleep now?" He nodded once again, and the two laid down, snuggling into each other. "Goodnight love...", Bryce said, nuzzling his face into Liam's. He smiled, closing his eyes. "Goodnight...", he said. The two fell asleep, and this time there were no horrific nightmares.

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