❤ Valentine's Day Special❤

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Note: Hello everyone! I am finally not sick(kind of) though life has been busy and sort of grim these last few weeks.

This one-shot is one set in the universe of my other book(s) 'My Samurai'. You do not need to know anything prior, though there will be a couple things that may not make sense to you if you are a non-reader. Per example when irony is mentioned.

Requests are highly appreciated, one is in the works right now and will be out soon! Comments, votes, and all my readers are also just as appreciated.

Happy Valentine's Day,



Meeting up on your usual patrols rooftop on the evening of February Fourteenth. The day occupied  by a last minute call not leaving any daylight to spend with your love.

Arriving at the spot on the roof when you see him. Taking off in a sprint as his arms are already open, waiting for you. A place vacant that only you could fill.

And that you did, jumping into his strong arms, burying your face into the crook of his neck as every crevice of your bodies melted together. Two puzzle pieces meant to be conjoined for a single whole.

Pulling back to see his wine colored eyes, excitement with pure adoration swirling within the red and pink hues. A light haze of desire coating his gaze, a look you learnt to know as he would never ask for his wants otherwise.

Grabbing the collar of his jacket before pressing your lips to his. Toes barely touching the ground as his arms hold you up, around your waist tightening as he tried to contain his excitement.

All his touches soft and gentle as he treated you like fine porcelain China, though sometimes excitement overtaking his care. How could he not be filled to the brim with butterflies? It was you, his love.

Pulling back only for the lack of air, hugging him once more before looking down at the display of his love. "What is all this?"

Eyes scanning the large pink blanket, basket of items, bouquet of F/c glitter roses, and F/m. Gasping as your eyes gloss over, wondering what you could have done to deserve this level of love.

His sheer love that was so evident with the way his arms wrapped around your waist from behind. Squeezing you gently while picking you up and twirling you in the cool night air.

Your giggles accompany his laughter as you both enjoy a relaxing night full of love. The worry of demons almost seeming foreign while he let you down gently on the blanket.

Captivated by him. Him.

"Happy Valentine's Day my love. You deserve more than any of the gestures I can supply for you in just one day. In just one lifetime." Chuckling at the irony of his words, sitting next to him on the plush blanket.

"Would you like to open it?" You chuckle at the excited glint in his eyes, how he not so subtly moved the basket of items closer to your hands, wanting you to open the gift.

"Of course." You lean closer to him, quickly giving his soft lips a peck before looking down at the huge red basket.

"I know that during fall months 'Boo Baskets' are popular, for the winter 'Burr Baskets'," He leans closer to you, lips grazing your ear, hot breath tickling its skin as he speaks.

"This is a basket for my beloved."

Cheeks warming to a shade similar to that of the bright red basket as he kisses your ear, down your jawline and finally your cheek. Resting his head on your shoulder while his eager eyes watch your hands move towards the basket.

Grabbing the card from the top, opening it to find a gift card to your favorite cafe, and a heartfelt note from your lover. Nuzzling your head against his thick burgundy hair before continuing.

A bear made of roses being the next item that you pick up. The rough artificial material of the preservable gift feeling nice against your hands.

Whispering your thoughts and thanks in between each gift, his eyes tracing over your features adorned by your smile. Sitting and watching as is that is all he ever wanted to do forever.

A large heart shaped box of your favorite chocolates, your favorite snacks and canned beverages lying somewhere within the gift paper.

A box containing your favorite perfume, a small plushie, and finally a small jewellery box lay at the bottom. "You didn't buy me-" "Shh. Just open it."

Sighing while shaking your head, sliding open the pure white velvet box while you gasp to see two gold necklaces. One a sun, encrusted with small clear gems(whatever it is you imagine being there), the other the cursive initials T.K.

"Oh my . . . I love this. I love you. Thank you so much Tanjiro." Turning to him, throwing his arms around his neck before kissing him. Your bodies fall onto the blankets, lips still locked.

His moving slow with gentle passion against yours before pulling away.

"I love you more than the stars that adorn the inky night sky, more than the shine that accompanies gold and silver. I need you more than the tides need the moon to push them forward and reel them in from ruin."

"It is not just days like these, but everyday I wish to cherish and worship you, your soul, your body, your every blemish and flaw, because everything that has is attached to you is perfect. You're safe with me, loved by me. I love you, so much it gives me excruciating pain."

Listening to his adoring words has you feeling safe and appreciated. No feeling comparing to the warmth that is throughout your entire body. Face, hands, into your very core.

His love rapturous and overwhelming in the best way, smiling against his chest as you both cuddle under the moonlight.

"Please, let us share countless nights like this. Don't leave me, please. Please fight for a brighter future with me. Getting there means nothing if I do not have you by my side."

He goes to respond but the words get caught in his throat, wanting to promise you everything. Like he had dozens of times before.

"I promise."


Word count; 1058

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