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War has erupted in the Kingdom of Rowland with a fierce Rebellion in the North. The Battle of the Twin Valleys saw a tense clash between a Lord and his Bannermen, and the Rebels who are trying to succeed from the Realm. The death of the Lord left his army without a leader.

The King finds himself caught in the middle of a fierce debate over the death of a Lord in battle that leaves the Army without a leader, and the Court divided between: putting an experienced military Commander in charge, and those who recognize the Laws of Succession that would see the Army placed under the Command of the Lord's Wife, Lady Kara McKaeyln.

Kara, with her black hair flowing past her shoulders, stands in silence while the Court argues. With the King's Right Hand, an older grey haired man, being the most vocal,

"It's absurd! A woman can not lead an Army! They lack the capability to do what must be done, they are too compassionate! Impulsive, and emotional!" He speaks with a pompous manner, not even giving the motion a second thought. Dismissing it altogether.

I can cut him down faster than the guards could try to stop me.

With her cold, ice blue eyes, Kara gives the man a piercing glare as anger brews deep within her while clutching her husband's sword on her waist as another member of the Court joins him in dismissing her. Her mind goes to the last time she saw her husband: three months ago the day he left when the King summoned him, and his forces to support the fight against the Rebellion in the North. When she received the news of her husband's death her heart felt empty, but was soon filled with spite, and anger.

Kara goes to step forward, and address the Court but stops when a light skinned man roughly in his thirties with short black hair, wearing plate armour with a Coat of Arms: a horse head with two spears in an X painted in the middle, steps forward putting an end to the arguing by reminding the Court that in the matter of Rite of Succession can only be overturned if the Kings decrees it. There is a moment of silence as everyone present waits for the King to make his decision.

"Surely the Court will do well to remember that the Honourable Lady McKaelyn's father was a loyal servant to the Realm. I see no reason that she will not honour her fathers memory." The man gives her a slight smile, showing he's on her side. Her expression remains irritated but she acknowledges him with a node.

"Sire Williams, her father, Heavens bless his soul, was a soldier who led campaigns. An accomplished Commander. Lady McKaelyn has done no such thing. I doubt she can even use that sword she grips so firmly on her waist." He snaps back with an argumentative tone. Several other members of the Court agree with him, shouting out, Hear hear!

Such a pointless debate! The army is mine by Rite! I won't let them get in the way!

She marches forward aggressively, furious by the remarks of the Court members.

"If you are so sure I can not wield this sword then come take it from me! Or are you scared of a woman, old man?" Locking eyes with each other she sees her words strike a nerve.

The man slams his hands on the wooden table while rising from his chair, sending it sliding across the floor backwards.

"You dare speak to me with such tongue!? I'll teach you some respect! Guards!" He snaps his fingers as a signal to his guards standing behind him.

They march towards her aggressively with their hands on their swords. Kara's two personal Household Guards step forward in front of her, while she remains unphased as her men stand between her and the guards with their swords partly drawn.

"Enough of this!" The king shouts with a gruff voice from behind his long black beard, standing from his Throne dressed in fine black, and silver robs. "There is already one war going on, I don't need a second one erupting in my own Palace!"

The guards stand down from each other, the Court member returns to his seat as the room falls silent.

"Lord Ceallach, you claimed that women are too quick to act on impulse but you let this woman get under your skin. You also proved her point of you being scared by hiding behind your men!" He says mockingly, laughing at him. Ceallach clenches his fists, lip slightly curled, eyes narrowed. Kara smirks seeing him humiliated.

"Now, I've heard my Court, heard your words. I too have my hesitations. But I knew her father, a great man who led the campaign against the Exions when they landed on our shores. Lady McKaeyln, you will be granted Rite of Succession, and given control of your late husband's forces."

Her anger subsides hearing the words, but many in the Court are less than pleased. Three of whom leave after the King's decision in protest. Kara loosens her grip on the sword handle as the King stands, and walks towards her, carrying himself in a proper manner: standing tall, back straight.

"Your husband was a brave man. I trust you will serve the Realm with the same devotion as your husband, Lady McKaeyln." She says nothing in response, simply bows slightly before leaving without a word.

A sensation begins to come over her, a fire in her heart knowing she is one step closer to revenge as she walks out of the Throne Room.

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