Chapter 3

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The Guards remain vigilant after the incident at the Creek, watching for any further signs of trouble as they continue through the forest. Kara remains silent, eyes locked forward, while Marcus keeps a sharp eye out ready to react to anything that may come. He notices Kara's expression hasn't changed, but he sees all he needs to see in her eyes.

We've known each other a long time, and what she did, what she ordered us to do is not like her. Even though she didn't have to be the one to carry it out she still has to shoulder that weight of taking a life. Whether she's the one who wielded the blade or not.

Despite being sympathetic to the potential burden she now carries he can't overlook the fact that if she hadn't gone off on her own the situation could have been prevented.

"Kara, you can't go off like that again. What if we hadn't heard the fighting? You could have been killed, or worse!" he says with an aggravated tone, while the guards remain silent as the atmosphere becomes awkwardly tense.

The guards know the two of them have grown up together most of their lives so they aren't all that taken aback by it but it's still surprising to them to hear such a tone spoken to a Noblewomen. She listens as he scolds her for being reckless, remaining silent.

"I know, and it won't happen again." She says nothing else at first, eyes with the same expression.

It won't happen again alright: I won't hesitate to cut down the next person who approaches me where they stand. I won't allow myself to be seen as weak again.

"As much as I appreciate your concern as my friend, I am still your Lady, and you are my Bannerman. And what I don't appreciate is being spoken to like a child in front of my men. Do I make myself clear?" Marc says nothing in return, knowing that to a point she's right.

He knows there is a difference between Kara as his friend, and her as the Lady. He knows growing up she was very independent, didn't want to rely on anyone for anything. There were times he remembers growing up she would go into town without her House Guards, and how furious her mother would be when she returned later that night.

"Yes, Mi'lady. I meant no disrespect by it. I just care about your safety." He replies with a low tone, Kara's stare drifts to him and she sees the worry in his eyes. She sighs feeling as if she overreacted.

He's always been too good to me. Putting up with my attitude and temper at times... and being the one who got me out of trouble even if I got myself into it...

The rest of the journey to the Royal Army Supply Camp outside the Fortified City New Gailèan, The Banners flapping in the wind as they near the Camp. Soldiers are marching around, while others who handle logistics load crates, and sacks onto wagons headed for the frontlines.

As they near the entrance Kara hears something that catches her attention: The sound of a voice calling out to draw attention to a nicely put together wooden stand with a bright red and gold cover over top of it posted into the ground. A tan skinned man with a foreign accent is running it. Kara approaches seeing all kinds of trinkets, clothes, even some foods.

She stops her horse in front of the stand, and dismounts followed by Marcus while she looks at the fruits that aren't native to the country: things like grapes, and others that are harder to come across since the Civil War started such as apples, Oranges and various others.

The Merchant having bent over to grab a small sack to deposit some gold coins into after a buyer purchased some goods comes back up, and sees Kara's Icy Blue eyes,

"Oh- you startled me! Please! Please, have a look!" The man gestures with enthusiasm, and speaks with an energetic tone.

After a moment of pitching his goods to her he notices the Banners flying behind her, and his face drops as he realizes he is in the presence of a Lady. He starts stammering,

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