Chapter 5

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The army marches into the field between the Valley's, and anxiously waits for the Rebel army to appear. Birds fly over the field filling the silence as the breeze brushes across the grass, and the Banner. A deep sickening feeling starts to set in her stomach, she tries to play it off not wanting to draw attention to herself but she can't shake the feeling of a knife being driven into her gut with the reality of battle beginning to set in.

She watches as the army continues to march across the field taking notice of the various units: Heavily armoured Cavalry, Swordsmen with shields, spear, and archers. One thing stands out to her: the fact there are no House specific Banners. Regimental Banners, but only one Banner that seems to be their main: an orange and red phoenix with its wings ablaze on dark purple background. She finds it odd that no visible House Banners are present, and asks Marcus, why are there no ruling banners?

"They say it's the flag of their Dominion. The Phoenix represents their rise from Tyranny, and signifies their unity. Not letting Lords or Houses rule them. A Dominion built of the people to forge their own destiny."

Their own destiny? A destiny of violence, starvation, and war? They've killed thousands, and are starving countless others in the South!

Marcus, and Liam begin going over the plan of attack one more time: Liam will draw the enemy into range of the Archers while Marcus flanks his Calvary around, and hits them from the side and rear.

"We'll give those bastards a thrashing they'll not soon forget!" Liam says while laughing.

Kara looks at him not certain what to make of his almost amused manner, while Marcus looks calm and composed. His focus is zeroed in on the enemy Calvary, and what their potential movements will be. As the finalize the plan they order riders to deliver the orders to the other regiment leaders when Kara insists on going with her uncle to charge the Rebel centre line not wanting to look weak staying back, but what she hears Liam say isn't exactly what she wants to hear,

"You won't be coming with me, lass. You'll be going with Marcus."

"What!? What do you mean?" She exclaims angrily, head snapping to Liam.

"You lack experience, Kara. You won't be able to handle it. Staying with Marcus is best." Liam explains, with Marcus agreeing. Visibly angry, she agrees, Fine!

Marcus sighs, shaking his head while Kara rides off followed by her Guard with a word.

"Lad, stay close to her. She's not thinking straight. Her broken heart is clouding her thoughts, make sure she doesn't get herself killed." Liam understands some of what she is feeling having lost his wife some years ago to an illness.

"I'll make sure she's safe, Mi'lord. You have my word." He reassures before riding to catch up with the others.

He's right, Kara is blind by her emotions. Her order back at the Creek was in a sense justified but that wasn't the woman I know. Liam asked me to protect her, I'll do my best to do so. But war changes, and hurts people in other ways. Ways we can't see. I can protect her from harm but I can't protect her from war.

He rides toward Kara who led the Cavalry to the top of a hill, a move that seems to have caught their Rebels attention: they followed suit, and positioned themselves on the lowlands. A position that puts the Rebels at a disadvantage. He stops beside her not looking at all surprised by her decision to put the Calvary on the hill, making it a favourable, and ties up the Rebel Calvary as well. Kara looks down at the Rebel Calvary awaiting their next move knowing she has the advantage where she is.

I knew they wouldn't be able to resist following us. My father had a theory: Isolate, and Dominate. Making them fight us on my terms put them in a bad position. They can't afford to risk us hitting their flanks unopposed. Now they have to make a decision: make a move, or waste time standing there.

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