Chapter 2

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The night was calm with only the sounds of wildlife, and wind blowing through the trees being heard while orange and red light brightens the dark sky as the sun rises. The sun beams through a gap in the flaps of Kara's tent across her eyes waking her up. Her eyes squint tighter shut as she groans from the unpleasant light shining on her eyes. She lets out a heavy sigh as she throws her arm over her eyes.

Been a while since I've slept like this, I haven't missed it.

She sits up stretching her arms out groaning in discomfort with a slight pain in her back, rotating her head trying to work a cramp out of her neck. She gets changed back into her previous clothes: Light Blue Tunic with dark red around the arms, collar, and lower part that runs midway down her thighs and dark red pants with leather boots that come halfway up her shins. She grabs the sword and walks out of the tent while tying it onto her belt. She takes in a deep breath taking in the fresh air watching as Marcus and the others are already taking down the camp: packing up the tents, and rolling up their bedrolls.

"Looks like you had a pleasant night, Mi'lady." Marcus says jokingly seeing Kara doesn't look the most awake, she chuckles softly with a smile

"Oh yes! A fine Inn can't compare to the comfort of Nature." Marcus knows she's half joking because she loves the outdoors.

She watches as the others sit down to eat some of their rations talking amongst themselves, a couple of the guards and Marcus laughing and pushing each other with. She smiles watching them having a good time, smiling slightly but it quickly fades.

I wish this moment could last but by tomorrow we'll be at the frontlines.

Her stomach gets a knot in it, and she starts to feel nauseous. She doesn't say anything but Marcus notices she doesn't look well.

"Kara, are you alright?" He asks with a concerned tone, while the others look over at her as well. The laughter suddenly stopped.

"I- I'm fine Marcus. Thank you. I'm gonna take the horses to drink before we leave." She says while trying to dismiss the matter. Marcus gestures for two guards to go with her.

"That won't be necessary, Marcus. Thank you." He asks her if she is sure, and she simply says, Yes, I'll be fine.

She unties the horses, grabbing the reins of her horse leading her to the nearby creek with the rest of the horses following behind. Marcus watches as she slowly walks out of view, feeling uneasy about her leaving on her own.

She leads the horses through the forest with the only noises being the steps of the horses, and her own ducking for low hanging branches. Having this time to herself gives her a chance to think about the challenges ahead of her: the biggest of them being leading an army. Her stomach felt as if it was being tied in knots, the nauseous remaining as the forest ends short of the creek with a moderately wide space between the creek bed, and the tree line. The horses immediately begin drinking while Kara takes her sword off her waist before kneeling down filling her waterskin.

Keep it together! You have to keep it together! You can't show weakness... you have to be strong. You have to be...

Her mind flashes back to the day Aidan's body was returned to her: the colour faded from his body, lifeless empty eyes. Tears well up, and start running down her cheeks falling into the water. Frustrated, she shakes her head slightly, and splashes some water on her face to snap herself out of this current thought.

"Ah shit! That's freezing!" She exclaimed as the water runs down her neck as she stood up, surprised by the cold. It certainly snaps her out of it as she's distracted by the cold water running down her neck and chest.

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