Chapter 7

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Under the cover of darkness the raiding party leaves through the gate that leads into the field, marching their way on horseback the tree line with Kara, and Marcus leading the way. Using reference points made by the Scouts the party manages to avoid the towers along the ridgeline the best they can through the dark, using rock formations and other natural cover to conceal their movements under the. Eventually reaching the tree line they dismount the horses and begin making their way through the bush in the direction the Scouts reported the look out tower to be located. Marcus is no stranger to these types of missions, Kara however is feeling the pressure with the importance of this raid to potentially break the stalemate. Her heart rate begins to increase as Marcus signals everyone to stop seeing light up ahead. They make their way towards the light being omitted from standing torches placed around a moderate sized square wooden tower that stands several feet above the trees.

That's them! Right where the riders said they would be

Marcus using hand signals orders three archers to circle around to where the rebels horses are to prevent them from escaping, and two soldiers to flank the opposite side to take out the guards below while Marcus, and Kara followed by three House Guards move slowly through the bushes trying to make as little noise as possible as all three groups start to close in on the wooden tower with the guards standing near the roughly built wooden door when it opens and a third guard comes out, and seems to relieve but not before relieving himself: the rebel guard walks over to the same bush Marcus, and Kara are hidden in and begin urinating just between them.

The archers move into position, ready and loose their arrows hitting the guards near the door, the arrows piercing the side of the neck of the first guard entering the tower, and the chest of the second while the third in a alarm turns around to see the others on the ground

"What the fuck- GAH!" Marcus drives his sword through the guards chest, covering his mouth and pulling him to the ground, slitting his throat to prevent him from yelling.

Everyone rushes to the tower door, the archers retrieve the arrows while Marcus takes the lead, peaking through the door that's being held slightly open by the dead rebel, seeing chairs around a small table cluttered with bread, plates and mugs. He opens the door just enough for the House Guards to pull the body out of the doorway leaving a trail of blood in the dirt as March followed by Kara and the three soldiers enter the fairly open space now seeing a small food pantry built underneath the staircase that leads up to another floor. Marcus peaks up the stairs, seeing its clear goes psst calling up an archer who with an arrow ready starts walking slowly, and quietly going up the stairs.

As they reach a landing that connects to another set of stairs laughter is heard from the floor just above them, and shadows moving wildly against the wall. From above they near a female voice,

"I'll be back. Imma get a drink!" The voice says laughingly, footsteps steadily approaching.

The party begins moving back down the stairs with the archer readying their arrow once they withdraw far enough down the stairs to not be seen. The steps get louder as the woman walks down them, once the woman reaches the landing, she turns to go down the stairs and is greeted with the brief sight of the archer who looses the arrow through the eye of the woman throwing her backwards pinning her to the wall with thud. Marcus, Kara, and the House Guards quickly rush on the stairs being as quiet as possible to catch whoever remains on the next floor off guard.

They charge onto the next floor where three men are sitting around a table still laughing with cards scattered on the table, before they can even react Marcus cuts one down while the other two jump up from their seats drawing their swords, Kara clashes with one of the rebels more confident than she was from the first battle, more fierce and coordinated knocking the rebels sword away, and kicking him in the stomach against a bunk bed behind him. She brings her sword to bear but hesitates seeing the face of the rebel: a young man who doesn't seem to be much older than his very early twenties, she grits her teeth and runs her sword through his torso, withdrawing her blade and slashing him across the chest.

Never again. I won't be weak, I won't hesitate, I won't! I won't!

Marcus watches as Kara turns around seeing the blood dripping from her sword, splatter on her chest plate, and the coldness in her eyes as she walks back towards them as the House Guards watch the next set of stairs.

"Are you okay?" Marcus asks as she walks past him, blood dripping from the tip of her sword.

"Don't worry about me. We have a job to do." She says dismissively walking right past him, not even looking at him.

Marcus watches as she takes the lead up the stairs with her Guards behind her knowing what this sudden turn of events means: her desire for revenge is beginning to not only cloud her judgment, but her soul is beginning to be devoured by hatred making her more dangerous.

Hatred is the most dangerous weapon a broken heart can wield, and she currently holds it in her hands.

Kara along with her Guard march up the stairs followed closely by Marcus going up several sets all while she's trying to hide the fact her hand is shaking.

That boy was a rebel but still a young boy like the ones who followed me into battle... this war has taken so many sons...

Eventually they reach the top platform to see a ladder that leads up to where the signalfire is. Kara begins to climb the ladder when Marcus insists on letting him go first but she ignores him and keeps climbing. Reaching the top she pushes on the hatch but it doesn't open,

What are the odds?...

She knows on the hatch as a tense silence fills the cramped space, moments after the sound of approaching footsteps is heard above them, Kara pulls her dagger off her belt next to her sword, a latch is heard turning from the other side,

"What's going on? Next shift isn't until- GAH! FUCK!"

Kara busts through the hatch as a young man opens it, knocking him on to the ground slashing his throat while Marcus rushes up the ladder behind her onto the platform. A second rebel carrying a torch attempts to light the wood in a large metal drum in the middle of the platform, Marcus tackles him, punching him across the face knocking him out and ordering the Guards to take him away. Marcus feels a sense of accomplishment having taken the tower as he sees the expression of the soldiers who are on the platform with them.

Fucking hell, we did it! We finally got a victory after this time! We can a finally have a chance to end this bloody stalemate

He looks over at Kara, and his smile quickly fades seeing her blood covered hand shaking while clenching her dagger. He nods his head at the others for them to leave while she walks up to her saying nothing at first, getting close enough without her noticing to see tears running down her face. He says her name, but she doesn't respond, her hand just keeps shaking. Marcus puts his hands on her shoulder and she flinches but says nothing. He asks her if she's okay,

"I'm fine. Let's go, we have to let the other know they can go after the other lookouts." She said in a neutral tone while walking away back down the ladder.

The others had gotten the bodies moved out of sight as Kara and Marcus regroup with them and tell the archers they can inform the rest of the raiding force to launch their attacks on the surrounding towers. The plan was to attack this tower that the riders determined to be a somewhat centralized one so if any of the other towers were attacked or reported movement this tower could alert the rest. The archers run back to the horses while Kara and the others wait at the tower until the other parties have neutralized the rest of the towers for the main force to approach unseen.

The raids carry on into the night with the remaining six towers in the area being eliminated, and riders returning to the camp to inform the Lord-Commanders that they can begin marching the main force out. Thousands of soldiers, cavalry, archers, and a battering ram begin to march out of the camp towards the rebel fortification. 

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