Chapter 2: The Flight

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Madison's POV:

I woke up several hours before my flight and double checked that I had all the necessities.

Once, I made sure I had everything I went to my bathroom and did my skincare routine. (I'm not one of those people who has a three hour skincare routine. I just use facewash and moisturizer. So does Madison)

When I finished I went back to my room and listened to music until 7:30 am. Once it was time for Rudy to wake up I chose the song 'Don't stop me now' by queen and blasted my stereo to wake him up. I walked to his room and leaned against his doorframe.

Rudy roled over and looked at me with sleepy eyes. "I hate you" he mumbled into his pillow.

"Come on, get up" I said as I walked over to him and pulled him off his bed by grabbing his shirt.

He landed on the floor with a thud. "We have to leave for the airport in two hours" I said. He replied with a groan as he got up. "Fine, I'm gonna go make breakfast" he said, still half asleep.

He trudged downstairs and I skipped to my room and changed into my outfit for the airport.

He trudged downstairs and I skipped to my room and changed into my outfit for the airport

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(Feel free to change it, this is just similar to what I wear to the airport

I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and went downstairs. I saw Rudy making eggs on the stove. I walked over to the coffee machine and filled it with coffe grounds. I pressed start and waited for it to be ready. When the machine beeped I walked over and poured myself an extremely large cup of coffe.

Rudy looked at me and said "It's scary how you run on 4 hours of sleep and then drink 3 cups of coffee and they have no effect on your energy level".

I looked at him and replied "I'm special. Lauren Graham trained me herself". I smiled and sat on a bar stool at the island. Rudy slid a plate infront of me and I started eating. I finished 10 minutes later and went upstairs to bring my suitcase down. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and picked up my suitcase. I threw it into the trunk of the car and we started driving.

I tried to convince Rudy to let me drive since I had my permit, but he said no. I'm actually a really good driver but Rudy doesn't like how it looks when a fifteen year old girl is driving and her 20 year old brother is sitting in the passenger seat.

I turned to the radio and turned on the music. Most girls my age like new pop music like Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo, but I'm not like the rest of them. I thought that some of the new songs that came out were fine and I didn't have a problem with Taylor Swift, I actually liked a few of her songs and thought she had a great voice. But, I loved 80s music. Sometimes I thought that in terms of movies and music I had been born in the wrong decade.

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