Chapter 383: Puppy June

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Nothing, my ass.

June was impatiently waiting for Jay to leave their dorm for that damned meeting he was talking about.

"Well, it seems like our meeting got delayed because Mr. Ong's favorite chair broke. Time to take a rest here," he said, plopping on the couch.

June internally groaned as Jay made himself feel at home. He stuffed his mouth with the pink-colored cheese balls that 'Cheeze' sent the boys (they still had over ten buckets inside their dorm), while waiting for Akira to set up the TV.

"Let's play video games," Akira suggested, and Jay enthusiastically agreed.

"Let me join, too," Jisung said, sitting next to them.

June glanced at the clock and saw it was nearing Minjun's dismissal time.

He wanted to discover more about what was truly happening and hopefully put an end to it, but Jay was too good at his job and didn't allow them to go out on their own, especially during these periods.

However, since June really wanted to see how Minjun was doing, he sneakily walked to the door in hopes of escaping from Jay.

"Where are you going?"

June halted when he felt three burning gazes on the side of his face. He turned to his teammates and pursed his lips together.

"Are you going somewhere?" Akira asked.

"Can we come with you?" Jisung excitedly said.

June sighed before going back to his room. He'll just wait until Jay leaves.


June made a mistake—a really huge mistake.

He merely wanted to wait for Jay to leave so he could sneak out of their dorm, but he fell asleep in his room in the process.

"Shit," he cursed, turning on his phone to look at the time.

However, before he could even check, somebody's caller ID appeared on the screen.

June frowned when he saw Grandma's name. She usually didn't call without any warning, so June had an ominous feeling.

He quickly answered the call.

"Grandma?" he said.

"June, oh, thank goodness, you picked up the phone. I've been calling different people, and they haven't even answered. Minjun's mom also isn't picking up," the old woman ranted.

"What happened?" June worriedly asked.

"Minjun still hasn't come home," she said.

June cursed as he now looked at the time. It was already past 8:00 PM.

"I don't know what to do. I tried calling the police, but they say they can't file a missing person case since it hasn't been 24 hours yet," she desperately said.

June placed on his jacket, cap, and mask before heading out of his room.

"I'm going to find him," he said with conviction.

"Where will you start?" Grandma sobbed.

"I don't know," June truthfully said, "but I'm going to find him."

June was greeted by his teammates who were seated at the dining table, but he didn't pay them any attention.

"Where are you going? It's almost past our curfew!" Jaeyong called.

"I'll be back," June merely said before sprinting out of their dorm.

He was immediately greeted by the cold air, but he braved through it and started searching for Minjun. June definitely didn't know where to start, but he was desperate...and he wasn't going to stop until he found his little brother.

More alleys, roads, and playgrounds later, and June finally arrived near Sunshine Arts School.

He believed it was the most plausible place for Minjun's whereabouts since this was the last place he has seen him.

June entered the back gate and went to the secluded passage Yunha told him about.

"You think you're tough, huh? Why would you tell our teacher that I cheated on the exam?"

June's eyebrows furrowed when he recognized the little kid's voice.

Kim Duri—the little bastard he met a while ago.

"Let me go! I didn't do anything wrong," he heard Minjun say. "I was just telling the truth."

June quickened his pace until he finally arrived at the scene. June was expecting to see only the two young teens; however, his frown deepened when he saw that Minjun was also surrounded by three adults.

"Hey, kid," one of them said. "You're a pussy, aren't you? Just because my brother cheats doesn't mean you're a better person than him."

June crossed his arms in front of his chest as he observed the scene before him.

"Does ganging up on a little kid when you're a full-grown adult make you a better person then?" June asked, his deep yet soft voice resonating in the dark night.

The five of them turned towards June. June walked to where Minjun was, immediately placing the teen behind his back. Then, he gazed at the three older men, his eyes lingering on Kim Duri's brother for a little longer.

June's face was fully covered except for his eyes, but his gaze was enough to rattle the three men.

However, as their eyes met, June quickly felt that something was wrong.

These men...

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Choi Joon-ho," one of them said. N♡vεlB¡n: Transforming Moments into Memories.

June couldn't believe how fate worked.

These were the three men who pestered him during his time in Rising Stars. Those three bastards who were always hanging around their neighborhood.

"Remember us?" Kim Duri's brother said. "Or are you too famous to recognize us now?"

"I don't remember the insignificant people I meet," June said.

The imbecile's jaw clenched, and he took a step closer to June.

"Well, let me remind you. My name is Kim Jeong, and I am your greatest nightmare," he smirked.

June removed his mask, revealing his unimpressed face to the three men.

"Minjun could make better lines than you," he said, chuckling

They should have been offended by June's nonchalance, but they were entranced for a second.

"Damn, handsome," the lackey behind Kim Jeong said.

Jeong nudged his side, causing the lackey to double over in pain.

"You must think you're on another level since you've finally debuted, huh?"

"I know I'm on another level," June confidently said.

Kim Jeong let out a loud laugh, his eyes crinkling in amusement, and then his smile dropped quickly as he stepped forward.

"Then, do I need to remind you of your place again, huh?" Jeong threateningly asked.

"Puppy June?"

Hello, Future Me!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon