Chapter 345: Angsty

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With Jay as their new manager, June couldn't predict how their next projects would be.

There was one thing certain, though. Things are going to be crazy—hopefully, in a good way.

For now, June didn't want to think about anything work-related since they were finally granted a break.

It was only one day, though, since they were going to have meetings in the next few days for their upcoming projects next year.

Nonetheless, June was still thankful for the short break since it meant he was finally going to see Grandma and Minjun.

It had been a while since June had seen them. The last time June personally interacted with them was during the last episode of Rising Stars.

It had also been a while since he had chatted with Minjun. After June messaged him for the article he wrote for EVE's debut, they hadn't chatted at all.

June stood outside the beat-down apartment with a giddy heart, wondering how they'd react once they saw him.

He entered the apartment complex and went to their floor. He decided to knock since he didn't want to give Grandma a heart attack, especially since her age was very susceptible to illnesses.

He could hear familiar footsteps coming near the door, so he put on his best smile and opened his arms.

The door opened, revealing Minjun, who appeared taller than before.

He was expecting the little kid to jump in joy and greet him with a warm hug, but Minjun merely raised one of his eyebrows.

"Oh, you're here?" he nonchalantly asked.

June was taken aback by his voice. It also sounded deeper!

"What the hell happened to you?" June asked, looking at Minjun with wide eyes.

Minjun frowned and shook his head. "Weird," he said, leaving June with his mouth agape on the doorway.

"Who's that, Minjun?" he heard Grandma's voice.

"No one," Minjun said, making June even more confused.

What happened to his cute little devil?

June entered through the door and found Minjun on the couch while watching some type of rock band. They were screaming incomprehensible words, but Minjun nodded his head to the beat.

June watched him with wide eyes, but Minjun merely ignored him.

Grandma went out of the kitchen, still looking like the personification of sunshine.

Her eyes brightened up when she saw June. She immediately placed down the pot of soup on the table and went to the pink-haired idol to give him a warm hug.

June, forgetting about Minjun for a moment, also wrapped his arms around Grandma and melted into her embrace.

"Oh, it's been such a long time," Grandma exclaimed, rubbing his back. "You've become even more handsome."

June smiled. "Thanks, Grandma. I've missed you."

Grandma let go of June and observed his face.

"Indeed, you've become more handsome, but you look tired," she sadly said. "Have you been getting enough sleep?"

June didn't respond. He was getting sleep.

It definitely wasn't adequate, but he still got some rest.

"Have you been eating well?" she softly asked.

"Does fried chicken count?" June chuckled.

Grandma clicked her tongue and shook her head. "That can't be. You should bring home some side dishes when you go back to your dorms. I'll pack them for you."

"You came right on time, too," she said. "I just finished cooking our lunch. However, I wasn't able to cook a lot since I thought you'd be arriving in the afternoon."

"It's alright, Grandma," June assured. "Anything you make is excellent."

Grandma widely smiled as she patted his shoulder.

"Minjun! Set the table. Your older brother is here," Grandma exclaimed.

"Pfft, older brother," Minjun said, a frown on his face.

June turned to Grandma with a distressed expression.

"Did something happen with Minjun?" June whispered.

Grandma sighed, looking a bit troubled.

"I honestly don't know," she said. "I think he's going through puberty."

"When did this start?" June asked.

"It has been a while," Grandma said. "After you left, his father also flew back to the States. I started noticing his shift in attitude starting then."

"But he still wrote a sweet article about our debut back then," he said.

"It wasn't this bad in the beginning," she said. "But now, he doesn't even use his 'MinMin' Navel account anymore."

"Have you talked to him?" June asked.

"Plenty of times," Grandma responded. "But I feel like he's getting worse."

June sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'll try talking to him," June said.


Their lunch, despite being one of the most flavorful meals June had eaten, didn't taste so good since Minjun was on his phone most of the time.

"You boys continue chatting," Grandma said. "I'll take care of washing the dishes."

"So, uh, what are your hobbies now?" June warily asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

Minjun shook his head. "I don't have any hobbies."

"Games. You like games, right?" June asked. "I just got my first paycheck, so why don't you pick one of those game skinnies you were talking about so I can buy them for you."

"They're called skins," Minjun deadpanned. "And are you sure? The one I like is 2,000 dollars."

June's eyes widened in surprise. "What?" he exclaimed. "What's it for?"

"For the game character to wear," Minjun responded.

"It's not even real clothes, but it's 2,000 dollars? These game people must be nuts!"

"Are you going to buy it or not?" Minjun impatiently asked.

"Well, you see…I thought being an idol paid well, but we're just starting out, so…would you like some ice cream instead? I'll get you the expensive one," June bargained.

Minjun clicked his tongue. "Nevermind. I'll just tell my mom to buy it."

June pursed his lips in frustration. This was harder than he thought! He had gone through a similar experience when Mei Ling was in her 'emo' phase, and during that moment, June knew that young teens were the scariest, most angsty people he would ever meet.

He had to walk on eggshells for an entire year because of it! Thankfully, she found K-pop, which made her forget about her 'emo' phase and venture into the fangirling world.

June didn't want Minjun to last a year acting like this, so he continued pestering him to talk. He held onto Minjun's arm and practically dragged him away from his chair.

"Wait, where are we going?" Minjun exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Come on, kid," June smiled, helping him put on his jacket.

"I'll treat you to some ice cream."

Hello, Future Me!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon