Chapter 333: Shake Your Booty

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Jisung looked at June with wide, sparkling eyes.

"You were hiding your real abilities, right? You're actually really smart, but you wanted to show the people who underestimated you that they shouldn't talk bad about other people because of their grades! Is that right?" he excitedly asked.

June chuckled as he stood from the couch.

"This isn't a manga or an anime, Jisung. I'm not some kind of protagonist," June answered.

Jisung pursed his lips. "You are a protagonist in my heart."

"Oh gosh," Jaeyong chuckled. "You said the same thing as Seven."

Jisung turned his head to Jaeyong. "Don't compare me with that idiot!"

"Woah, Jisung actually cursed someone out?" Ren asked with wide eyes.

June shook his head as he listened to their banter. "I'm heading to bed now," he said.

"We have another music show tomorrow, so it's best we get some rest."

Jaeyong nodded in agreement, also rising from the couch. "Yeah, and I heard we might be nominated for first place tomorrow."

Their eyes widened in surprise.

"No way," Jisung said. "We're nominated for tomorrow again?"

Jaeyong chuckled. "Don't get your hopes up. This is just based on those prediction accounts. However, we have a really good chance to be nominated along with OCTA."

"Them again?" Zeth groaned. "They already got two trophies last week. This is our last week of preparations, so I really want us to get a win."

"Me too," the others dejectedly agreed.

Last week, during their second week of preparations, OCTA and EVE proved once again they were rivals when they were nominated for two of the top music shows in Korea.

Unfortunately, since Uno's guesting on 'Crawling Man' was relatively received well, their song shot up in the charts, securing their spot in the top ten once more. It still didn't reach EVE's spot on the charts. However, that, along with the voting and album sales, made OCTA the winners of last week's music shows.

June would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed with the results. However, he still had hope left inside his heart.

"Maybe we'll get one tomorrow," June meaningfully said.

"Yeah, let's hope for something," Jaeyong said, cheering up his teammates.

"I have high hopes," Sehun said. "Our song just shot up to the fourth spot again after Quiz God ended. I think your guesting actually made a really good impact."

"Well, it's late. Time to hit the hay, guys," Ren said. "I'll see you all tomorrow."

The eight of them went to their respective rooms, with June thinking about their first-place nomination.

He could still remember the feeling of being nominated last week. He had some high hopes since they had higher streaming points than OCTA.

However, they lost both battles, which took a toll on his confidence.

After watching Quiz God and seeing so many people praise him for his intellect, he felt like he was slowly regaining that confidence.

Seeing his two S-tier stats also placed a smile on his face.

[- Vocals: S-

- Dance: S-

- Visual: A+

- Rap: A+

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