Chapter 335: Jealousy, Jealousy

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The disappointment could be felt in the audience. Astras started crying because they felt like they had disappointed the boys. Fans of other groups also weren't too elated with OCTA's win. They actually thought EVE deserved it this time. 

- I can't watch this. I'm so sorry, boys. We couldn't even give you a single win. 

- Gosh, my heart is hurting looking at these boys. There are smiles on their faces, but they still look sad. 

- I watched the show for MORPH3D, but damn, do I feel sad for EVE. I watched June and Jaeyong on Quiz God because Zibo was in it, and I thought they were really charming. 

- Eyes never lie. I'm so sorry, EVE. 

- Jisung's about to cry!

June heard a sniff from beside him, so he placed his hand over Jisung's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. 

"Don't cry here," June said, knowing how brutal the media was with weak-hearted people. 

"You can cry later, alright?" he whispered. Jisung pursed his lips and nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. 

"Thank you, our octopuses. Your support means everything to us," Tres said. 

"We would have never achieved three wins without you!" 

"Till our next comeback, octopuses," Seven cheerfully said, waving at the camera.

OCTA ended their speech with wide smiles. They were then given individual microphones for their encore performance. The other artists moved down the stage while the winner got to stay on stage. 

For a moment, June's gaze lingered on OCTA's happy faces as they performed their song. It was also their last music show guesting, and they ended it with a win. He felt jealous. 

Jaeyong held onto his arm and gently pulled him down the stage, causing him to snap out of his thoughts. 

"Are you alright?" Jaeyong asked. 

"Are you?" June asked back. Jaeyong showed him a tight-lipped smile. 

"I would be lying if I said I was," he sadly said. They went back to their waiting room, all in dejected moods. As they sat down in their seats, silence filled the room. 

No words were needed. It was obvious that the boys were disappointed with the outcome of their very last music show. Sure, June had given them the whole pep talk about not seeing everything as a competition. However, they just felt like all of their hard work was for nothing. They would have been happy with one win. Just one win.

Chul entered the room with the same disappointed expression. June was expecting him to comfort the group in some way, but once he spoke, June wanted nothing but to shove dog poop into his mouth to stop him from speaking.

"The CEO just called," Chul sighed. 

"He's disappointed because you didn't get your first win. GIRLS' EVOLUTION and BOYMYSTIC got at least one win for their debut. Heck, even that failed group from the third season got a win. I think we need to reevaluate some things here," he continued. 

The members of EVE looked down to the ground, feeling more dejected than they did a few moments ago. 

"I'm not saying all of this to discourage you," Chul said, 

"this is all for your own good. I think something went wrong during the preparations since the company gave you all the resources you need. Maybe it was the title track—"

"Look," June said, having enough of his insensitive words.

"If you don't have anything good to say, then I suggest you shut your mouth. Or do you want me to shut it for you?" Chul and the other members were taken aback.

"Excuse me?" he asked. 

"That is not the way you should be speaking to your manager!" 

"And you shouldn't be speaking with your artists this way," June countered. 

"We're disappointed. I'm sure you are, too. Everybody's disappointed. Now, can you give us some time to process our feelings before getting all up in our faces and talking shit?" June snapped. His members proudly looked at him. June perfectly said what the other members wanted to convey. 

Chul shook his head in disbelief, his face getting red since he felt insulted by June's words. 

"June, one word from me, and the company will discipline you," he warned. 

"What are they going to do? Spank me?" June asked, standing up. "

Or are they going to disband our group the same way they did for the last group?" 

"Stop fucking joking, Chul. We're the money makers of the company now. I'm sure you can't afford to let us go." Chul couldn't counter June's points. Everything he said was right. EVE was now Azure's most anticipated artist. If they didn't debut with OCTA, who was from a bigger and richer company, they would undoubtedly sweep all of the music show awards. 

However, circumstances weren't favorable for them, which resulted in their current situation. With that, June stood from his seat and went to the door. 

"Where are you going, bro?" Jisung asked, already crying his eyes out. 

"Out," June briefly said. He slammed the door shut before walking away from their waiting room. June didn't know where to go, but all he knew was he needed to get out. Otherwise, he would have exploded right then and there. He went to a secluded corner of the building to cool his head off. 

"Did I say too much?" he muttered under his breath. His feet led him to a secluded flight of stairs in the building, similar to the one in Rising Stars. He sat down on one of the steps and leaned his elbows against his lap, thinking about everything that happened today. 

"It's alright," June said, talking to himself. He found that talking to himself was therapeutic. He automatically felt better with self-assurance, so he continued speaking. 

"There will be other chances for our group to win. It's only the beginning—" June's self-talk was cut off when someone cleared his throat from behind him. He swiftly turned around and found none other than Uno sitting at the very top of the stairs, looking at him with a subtle glare. 

"What are you doing here?" Uno asked. 

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" June countered. Uno shook his head and stood up, leaving June all alone. However, June's next statement made Uno stop in his tracks. 

"For someone who won three music shows, you look awfully disappointed."

Hello, Future Me!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon