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"This room is a mess!" Tom yelled when he got into my room. "Does a pig live here?" Mattheo added. "Are you calling me fat?!" I yelled while running to the mirror to check if had gained weight. "No no! Calm down. Your skinny! Very skinny!" Mattheo tried to talk his comment good. "So first I am fat, and now I am skinny? What's wrong with you!" I yelled at him. "You.. I.. help?" Mattheo said confused while looking at Tom. "Never start about weight, especially a girls weight dumbass." He said. "Well alright. But still, this room is a mess Delphi." Mattheo told me. "It really is, didn't I tell you yesterday you had to clean it? Before mouses were coming?" Tom said seriously to me. "Yes you did, but dumbling will catch the mouses!" I told my brother. When dumbling heard her name she came within seconds to me. "Hey dumb, how are you baby? Did anyone call you fat?" I said while looking angry at matheo. "I'm sorry! Ow I thought we were over this..." he said in a panicked voice. "Stay focused guys! it's not funny Delphini." Tom looked straight into my soul while he said it. "Why not? I have no boyfrein-" mattheo cut me off..

"boyfreind?! What are you thinking. Girl, you are like 4! Way to young for a boyfreind!" "First off all, I am 14 and not 4!" "Almost the same." Mattheo said. "Uhm hello? That is like 10 years? Omg almost forgot to tell you-" I began speaking but this time I was cut of by Tom. "We would love to hear all about it, when this room is clean!" "Cissy said the house elf's will do it." I said while walking to my cat. "Well cissy isn't your mother." Mattheo said. "And you guys aren't my parents either, so you can't say something as well then." I said. "That's not fair! I changed you dirty diapers!" Tom said frustrated. "And I thought you how to... what did I thought her again? Tom? Well forget it, I thought you so much! I can't even tell it all right now." Mattheo added. "Drama queen." Tom and I both said. "Uhg fine I will clean my room." I said. "You better!" Mattheo yelled.

"Buttt! Then we will go out for lunch together." I told them. "Sorry? Delphi.. you know-" Tom began talking, but this time I cut him off "cissy said that the deatheaters are on a mission, probably including mom or dad or both! So can we please go out? For me?" I asked my brothers with puppy eyes. "No, no if dad finds out! We're dead!" Tom yelled. "But it could be fun Tom.. oh common! Take a little risk in life!" Mattheo said back to him. "I take enough risks." He said coldly.
"if you think it babes."i said to mattheo thinking he wouldnt hear it.  "Delphini!" Tom suddenly yelled. "First name.. could be fine?..." mattheo whispered to me. "Harper." He continued. "Middle name not looking to good.." I whispered to mattheo. "Riddle!" Tom finished. "Your in trouble." Mattheo said to me. "You two mattheo Marvolo riddle!" Tom yelled. "Run!" Mattheo yelled to me. "To where? The door is locked remember?!" I yelled back. "I don't care! Just freaking run!" Mattheo yelled. "sit your asses down!" tom yelled while pointing to my couch. 

"w-whats wrong?.." i asked calmly when i said. "the fact that you two are acting like toddlers. you" he said while pointing at mattheo. "you just want her to get out, with the risk of us all getting killed." mattheo looked to the ground, now tom's head turned to me. "and you, you need to start acting like a adult, so clean this damm appartment up!" tom said to me and then walked away. "alright.. wanna go to the park?" mattheo asked me. "n-no, tom's right. i have to clean up this appartment." i said to him. "well if you really want to... i will get poppy to come and help you." mattheo said. "thats my favourite house elf! thank you!" i yelled to him. "yeh yeh, thank me when the room is clean." he said while walking to my 'frontdoor'.  

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