under the stars

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a/n: hihihi i'm back bc i'm camsten trash lol. hope you like this x

dedicated to @suckmygrande for commenting and asking for the next one-shot. ily (:

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"I can't breathe!" Kirsten writhed in the tank involuntarily.

Cameron watched with wide eyes as his worst nightmare began to unfold in front of him. "C'mon, Ace, can you make the bounce?" He asked with strain in his voice.

"i-" sharp breath. "heart-" Kirsten keys as quickly as possible. "linus."

Kirsten's eyes flash open and she jumps up, starting to hug her knees. Cameron sprints over to the tank. "I'm so sorry, Kirsten... Are you okay?"

She looks at the ceiling while taking deep shallow breaths. "Much better now. I just need some rest, I think."

"Get dried off. I'll take you home." Cameron says, walking away to talk to the rest of the team.

Kirsten somehow manages to pull herself together and change back into her normal clothes. She runs a towel through her hair and decides that she doesn't feel much like drying it or putting it up in a ponytail.

She meets Cameron by the elevator. His hazel eyes are clouded with concern for her. "You ready, Stretch?" He asks softly.

Kirsten nods in response, not trusting her voice.

They get in the car and Kirsten realizes that she doesn't want to go back to the house and face Camille yet. Cameron's worry for her alone was enough for five people. She takes a deep breath. "Actually, Cameron, can we go back to your place? I don't wanna..." She trails off but luckily, Cameron understands.

"Sure, Kirsten." He nods and starts the car.

It's not a particularly long drive from the Chinese restaurant to Cameron's apartment, as far as Kirsten can tell. She was only guessing, of course, but from the number of songs that played on the radio and the number of commercial breaks, Kirsten knew that they had only been in the car for at most, 16 minutes.

The residual emotions were still so strong from the stitch. Kirsten felt like the world was closing in on her and she was about to collapse. "K, you good?" Cameron asked, waiting for her.

"Cameron, I..." Kirsten felt silly. She had never depended on anyone else for comfort before. She didn't need to be comforted. Everything was instantly familiar for her, so why all the sudden did she feel the overwhelming need to have Cameron's arms around her?

He looks at her expectantly, waiting for her to finish her statement. She can't form the words though, so she just acts. She circles her arms around him and holds him close, taking deep breaths. Her head rests on his shoulder and he glances down at her, shocked.

He slowly reacts, returning her hug. He closes his eyes for a moment. "Shh, you're going to be perfectly fine."

They stand there, in the parking lot for what seems like forever. Even for Cameron. He wouldn't mind standing out here for eternity though, if it was still her by his side. She was making him into a complete sap.

She takes one more deep breath, inhaling the scent of him- a mixture of his cologne and something completely sweet that was all him. Kirsten didn't have a name for it. She lets go of him, returning to her own personal space.

"Let's go inside." Kirsten suggests.

Cameron nods his head in agreement and leads the way.

When they get inside, Cameron offers to order in for dinner. They had been working pretty late and Cameron knew she hadn't eaten since around one in the afternoon. It was now almost five.

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