maybe we're more

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a/n: so that promo for the finale is cruel and i hate it more than anything... that being said, i hope you love this one-shot. i cut this off where i did because if i'd continued writing, it would've turned into a mature scene lol. i've never really written a "mature" anything so i decided to play it safe.

with love, ashton. x

k i r s t e n ;

The elevator doors open in front of me and I walk into the lab, ready for another day at work.

Camille walks in right behind me with a box of bear claws that she made me stop for this morning (the delicious pastry, not actual claws from bears). She had made it her tradition to bring in a different treat for the team every day.

Everyone is moving at a frenzied pace today which is normal when we have a new sample. "We need to find Maggie." I say to Camille.

Just as I say it, Maggie walks up to the pair of us. "Kirsten, I'm-" she begins to say, but I cut her off.

"Who am I stitching into today? And where's Cameron?" I look past her, combing over the lab.

That's when I see him. A breath catches in my throat and I run over to him with wide eyes. "No." I whisper. "Cameron?" I say his name anxiously. I close my eyes, trying to get rid of the gruesome image of him in the cassette. But when I reopen my eyes, he's still there- ghost pale and lifeless. "Cameron!" I shriek, a sob ripping through me.

My eyes burst open and I fly up in my bed, grabbing my phone off the nightstand and dialing his number. It goes to voicemail and I groan in frustration. "C'mon, Doc, pick up the phone." I whisper as I redial. When I get his voicemail again, I throw on some shoes and grab my keys.

In a matter of minutes, I'm at his apartment door and knocking repeatedly. "Coming! I'm - ow - coming. Hold on!" I hear him run into something before the door flies open. "Kirsten? What are you-"

His words are cut off by me throwing my arms around him in a tight hug. He reacts slowly, wrapping his arms around me. We stand there in his doorway, embracing for a minute or so. "What brings you to my door so early in the morning, Pumpkin?"

Every part of me feels better at the sound of his nicknames and his heartbeat, strong and steady. I sigh in relief. "I had a nightmare. I needed to see you."

He pulls back to give me a strange look. "You? Having a nightmare? What happened?"

"I... Um... You..." I take a deep breath. "You were gone. And I was supposed to stitch in to you."

"Kirsten, I would never leave you. Why would you even be thinking about that?" Cameron demands.

Tears well up in my eyes. What was this nerd doing to me? I never cried. Over anything. "In the last stitch, I... I saw the rocks on the table and I touched the one that she gave you to protect your heart."


"It made me see you dead and in the cassette." I forced the words to come out of my mouth.

He holds me close and kisses my forehead lightly. "Honey, I'm not going anywhere." He murmurs.

"I know... It just scared me. I needed to hear your voice." My breathing is still shallow.

"Stretch, I can't let you go back home like this. Go sit on the sofa and I'll meet you in a minute." Cameron ushers me inside before closing the door.

I sit on his couch curled up in a ball, hugging my knees against my chest. Cameron appears with a bowl of popcorn, two cups of tea, and a tub of Rocky Road icecream along with two spoons. "What's all this?" I say, eyeing up the very tempting snacks.

"Elementary, my dear Watson. It is the formula for feeling better after a nightmare. Plus, of course, the first season of Doctor Who." Cameron beams at me.

I roll my eyes. "Alright, Holmes. But you do realize that Sherlock never actually said 'Elementary, my dear Watson'... Right?"

"What are you talking about? It's the most famous line ever."

"Sherlock Holmes draws a conclusion about his assistant, calling him 'my dear Watson'. Watson says that Sherlock is brilliant, and he replies 'elementary,'. He never actually says that phrase."

Cameron frowns. "You are such a buzzkill."

"Whatever, don't be sour. Let's test your formula, Dr. Goodkin."

"Oh, it's full-proof, McFly." He replies with a wide grin.

"Did I say Dr. Emmett Brown?"

"Tsk..." he chides. "You act like I care."

Thirteen episodes of Doctor Who later, the icecream is gone and so is the popcorn. My tea is drained and I've made my home in the side of Cameron's body. His arm is curled protectively around my shoulders and my head is resting in the crook of his neck. I inhale his scent, hoping that I'll never have to go without smelling it.

"So, who is your favorite doctor?" I murmur, tilting my head to took at him.

"Definitely the eleventh doctor. Matt Smith is da bomb."

We're quiet for a minute until I break the silence. "Cameron, can I tell you something?"

"Sure, Buttercup. What's on your mind?"

"I spent my whole life detached from everyone and everything, always not trusting someone for whatever reason I could come up with, but now..." I stop, trying to understand the meaning of my own words.

What did it mean that Cameron was probably the only best friend I'd ever had? What did it mean that I felt comfortable telling him anything? Why did I care so much about his safety and why did I wake up almost crying when I had a dream about him dying?

The questions ran through my mind so fast that they were almost dizzying.

"But now...?" Cameron prompted.

"You're the only person I've ever been really close to. I've never really cared about anyone like I do about you. I've never had a best friend, someone that I wanted to spend all of my time with, and now that I do, well, I can't lose you."

Cameron's eyes and mine lock together, unblinking. "You're stuck with me, Stretch. Like I said earlier, I'm not going anywhere." He assures me with a small grin.

Suddenly, I feel the overwhelming urge to kiss him. I slowly move closer to him, eliminating the small distance between us. I touch his lips with mine tentatively. His eyes are wide when I pull away. "Best friends don't kiss each other." Cameron says breathlessly.

"Maybe I was wrong. Maybe we're more." I reply.

He gently pulls me closer to him then, giving me light butterfly kisses from my lips, to my cheeks, to my neck, to my collarbone... He presses his lips to mine again before whispering with a smile, "Definitely more."

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