author's note

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hi, everyone! 

i know it's been awhile since i've updated this or anything for that matter and i apologize... after the finale, i lost a lot of inspiration and my basic train of thought was "you can write again once the new season starts". however, i now know that season two won't be starting until spring of this year and the camsten drought has gone on for far too long. 

i don't know if i can wait until spring.
i might  
e x p l o d e . 

anYWAY, this is me letting you know that i'm still alive and that i want to start writing again. if you have any specific prompts in mind or ideas, please comment or send me a message and i'll see what i can do (:

i think i'm going to start writing something cute tonight and hopefully i'll post a one-shot within the next day or two.

until then, 
ashton xo

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