just a kiss (ft. the unsuspecting delivery boy)

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a/n: hello, i am back from the dead (sort of). idk what's been going on with me and i'd like to apologize for it because you all deserve someone who updates regularly. on the bright side, i'm very determined to finish something (ANYTHING) to publish on this account since the last original story i wrote was finished back in 2014. as a writer, i have grown so much and i want to show people that growth so hopefully, you'll be seeing a new story from me soon (if you're even interested in anything other than my fanfiction, that is lol) anYWAY, on with the show...

p.s. sorry for any grammatical errors. it's been awhile and i'm a little rusty.

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For the past week, the Stitchers Lab had been nothing but chaos for everyone with a smartphone. The reason? Pokémon Go.

Kirsten Clark didn't understand this phenomenon, nor did she want to. Between Linus, Cameron, and Camille, everyone at the lab was playing. They would do it before a stitch, afterward, on lunch breaks, everywhere. Nowhere was safe. Even in the middle of a case, Cameron could be seen wandering around the suspect's house in an attempt to find a Jiggle-puff, or Jiggly-poof, or whatever it was called. Part of her secretly wished he would find a Squirty near the toilet and drop his phone in by accident just so he couldn't play anymore. When Kirsten told Camille about this, Camille was entirely astonished by it.

"That is awful, Kirsten! I cannot believe--" Camille looked up at the ceiling and shakes her head. "I think you're dead to me."

As Camille began to walk away, Kirsten sighed with an amused smile on her face. "Camille, wait." She called. No response. The clicking of Camille's heels continued. "Oh, come on!" Kirsten protested.

Camille opened the front door to a startled Cameron. His hand was curled into a fist, just getting ready to knock. Cameron took in Camille's appearance fast. Angry strides, a stony look in her eyes... "Is everything okay?" He asks.

"Give your girlfriend hot tea or chocolate or something because she is completely out of control." Camille replies and walks past him. Cameron stands in the doorway with his mouth partially open for a moment before turning his attention to Kirsten.

"Can I come in?"

Kirsten grins from her spot at the table. "Yeah, of course. I'm sorry about Camille."

Cameron laughs and sits down across from her. "I think I'm used to it by this point. What did you say to her?"

"I may have told her I hoped you would drop your phone in the toilet so you couldn't play Pokémon Go anymore." Kirsten remarks, placing her hands on top of each other on the table. The wood feels smooth beneath her warm fingers.

Cameron opens his mouth in mock horror. "That's worse than I thought."

"Oh, get over it. I really don't understand what all the hype is about anyway. Isn't Pokémon supposed to be a kid thing?" Kirsten rolls her eyes.

"I don't know if we can be friends anymore." Cameron says with a gasp.

Kirsten scrunches up her face at him. "Stop."

"You wouldn't be saying any of this right now if you'd just try to play it," Cameron says in a sing-songy voice.

She raises her eyebrows. "You really think so?"

"Oh, my darling little muffin, I know so." He taps her on the nose. "I'd bet money on it."

"Not money... That's not nearly enough."

"I would bet my entire comic book collection."

"That confident, huh?"

There's a glint in Cameron's eye as he answers, "Always."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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