his secret places

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a/n: helllooo, hope you like this. happy late independence day to all my fellow americans. sorry for not updating, it was a pretty hectic week.

love, ash x

* song in this chapter: mama, i'm coming home by ozzy osbourne. it's a super good song and i would link it, but the videos that come up when i search on wattpad are all live performances or covers.

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all week long, cameron and kirsten had been playing a game. cameron would send her close up photos of different things around los angeles and she would follow them to one of his so-called 'secret places'. kind of like reading a map.

these 'secret places' of his were all over the city from the park he used to go to when he was a kid to the comic book store in the mall that he liked to spend his free time in.

tonight, cameron had led her straight to a restaurant called "polka polish cuisine". kirsten stared up at the lit up sign dubiously, comparing the blue brick above the building to the blue brick in the photo on her phone screen.

finally making up her mind that she was in the right place, she opened the door and walked inside, looking around for him. she didn't have to look far. he was sitting at a table near the front and he stood up as she walked over to meet him.

"really, a polish restaurant?" she asks with a teasing smile on her face. her arms are crossed and her head is cocked to the side.

he beams at her in response. "it's the best place to get pierogies in town, which by the way, is my favorite food."

kirsten rolls her eyes. "okay, what's next?"

cameron shakes his finger disapprovingly at her. "what's the rush, flash? take a seat, have some pierogies."

"alright, dork, let's eat." kirsten concedes, sitting down in the chair across from him.

"i prefer geek."

"too bad."

a big woman comes over to the table to take their orders. "hi cameron! long time, no see!" she says excitedly with a polish accent.

"hey, kristina! you're right; it has been awhile. i'm sorry."

"no matter! who is this fine young lady? is she girlfriend?" the woman. kristina, asks with a large grin on her face.

cameron smiles with a knowing look in his eyes. "no, we're just friends."

kristina bustles over to lean near cameron's ear so she can whisper. "what are you waiting for? she's a beaut."

cameron gives her a killer look and kirsten stifles a laugh. "pierogies, please, kris." cameron requests, shooing her away.

"sorry about her. she's just excited. i don't bring other people here too often and she practically helped raise me." he explains.

"it's actually kind of endearing- watching you act sort of nervous and your involuntary blushing." she teases lightly.

"shut up, k."

"make me, c."

his eyes flash up to meet hers. if he were in this situation with any other girl, it would be beyond simple to press his lips to theirs and effectively "make them shut up". but he also had to face the fact that if he were in this situation with any girl other than kirsten, they would not be sitting here in the polka polish cuisine. this place was sacred to him... he couldn't even imagine bringing anyone but her here.

kristina sets a plate of pierogies in front of each of them. "enjoy, my beautiful kocham ptaki."

cameron glared at her for a second, but kristina only smiled back. "why are you still glaring at her?" kirsten asked, slightly amused.

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