4| Marc Cruz

52 26 13

Present Hannah's POV 

"Hey, you!" I yelled as I rushed down the hallway, "Turn around and face me!"

"What?" he began, "Yeah?"

"You knew my brother!"

"What?" he mumbled, "Huh?"

"I've been wanting to talk to you for a while but I couldn't muster the courage to do so. So, now I'm talking to you!"

"You don't seem like the nervous type."

"You knew Micheal Dubois."

He looked to his right and then his left, "Yeah, so?"

"Can I interrogate you?"

"For what?"

"I'm trying to find out who killed him, dummy," He started to walk off but I grabbed his arm, "Please! You were his best friend, don't you want to help me?"

"His best friend?" he hissed, "We weren't that close."

I took a good look at his face. He looked like he regretted the words he had just spoken but was trying really hard not to show it. "You don't mean that."

He took a step back and crossed his arms, "What do you even want to know?"

"Let's talk about this in the music room. There's too many people passing by and it smells like a high school. Well, this is a high school but you get what I mean." We awkwardly walked towards room 408, glancing over each other but not saying anything. I sat down at the piano, "So, where were you the night he died?"

"Do you have a licence for this? Some sort of investigator title?"

"No, I'm just a dedicated sister."

"So I'm not obligated to answer you?"

"Do you want to know who killed your best friend?"

"We weren't close at all. I don't even know where you got that from," Marc vocalised.

I took the letter that he had written to Micheal out of my bag, "Then explain this."

His eyes widened, "Where'd you even get that?"

"Micheal's locker."

He sighed, "Did you even read it?"

"No," I mumbled, "But he talked about you sometimes."

"What did he say?" Marc asked as a worried expression filled his face.

"Nothing much. You were a good friend of his, that's all I know."

He muttered something to himself and sat back down, "The night before he died, we had a fight."

"A fight?"

"It was a stupid fight. Don't get your hopes up, I'm not telling you about it."

"Why not?"

"He picked the piano over anybody else and you know that."

"Did you watch his performance at Lilian Hall?" I sighed, "Did you even bother to show up?"

"Of course I did. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"So the fight didn't matter to you?" I muttered, "It was something trivial?"

"You're really nosy so I'm leaving. Who do you even think you are?"

"Micheal Duboises twin sister, Hannah Dubois."

"Well, Hannah Dubois, your brother and I were friends and that's all you need to know."

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