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A true flex. They are always by my side to listen to my rants and thoughts. They all knew or -sometimes not- about my problem but they NEVER got involved because they were mature enough that involving themselves in it would make it worse.

I appreciate that my friends aren't publicly defending me on social media, not because they don't want to support me or can't handle a conflict, but because they are looking out for my emotional well-being. I am a sensitive person, and I haven't allowed them to intervene because I want to learn how to handle problems on my own. I'm at the right age to defend myself and handle my problems.

I may not be showy to them about how grateful and appreciative I am, but I treasure them the most and silently root for their success in life.

The only mistake I made was leaving them because I thought my "friends" would reciprocate the love, respect, and value that I had for them. I expected them to listen and talk about the misunderstanding instead of cutting me off without explanation.

I don't want to be friends with someone who can't appreciate the little things in life, who can't be happy for the success of others, who doesn't respect others, who is close-minded and insensitive, who can't admit when they are wrong, who isn't mature enough to handle things, who changes the subject during a fight, who drags others into their arguments, who lets their problems consume them, who is proud of hurting others, who is pretentious and doesn't follow through with their words, who manipulates situations to make themselves look like the victim, who blames others for their problems, who can't be trusted, who let their relationship get in the way of our friendship, who is self-centred and only counts their blessings, who has a toxic personality, who has a crab mentality, who takes advantage of others. I hope that makes sense.

Apologies are meaningless if you don't demonstrate sincerity through action. They are ineffective without prompt action to rectify the situation. They are useless if you continue to repeat the behaviour you are apologizing for. Apologies are pointless when used for emotional manipulation, so as apologizing without acknowledging their mistake.

Keeping friends who show true colours at the beginning must be kept. I realize that the people you meet in your 20s are not permanent, maybe some but not all the time. They are just there for convenience.

I used the term 'friend' instead of 'true friend' because we're not yet sure what will happen in the future, but I believe that these people are truly a blessing to have in one's life. Although I may say that I won't trust anyone anymore, I still appreciate their actions towards me. I won't mention any names, but I hope they already know who they are. I don't want them to be dragged into my problems in the future, but I'm grateful to share that I still have people by my side who didn't give up on me. They are open-minded and know when to act maturely.

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